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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer


    This girl knows how to assert dominace.
  2. redditsave.com_apparently_shes_20_living_with_her_parents_and-48f2dxa03fe81.mp4 When you still get free rides & rent at 20 years old and don't know how to appreciate shit.
  3. Mercer


    Dominos pizza, and the dominos drivers make money by exploiting the 1st vehicles purchased for kids by parents. I've even seen retards take on car loans they couldn't afford, so they burn up all the best miles on brand new whips delivering pizzas in the evenings after fucking work. Should have bought a reliable piece of shit, and kept both them paychecks, but now you hate capitalism and vent on r/antiwork.
  4. Mercer


    If you're boycotting Domino's, or any other processed food/feces company for any other reason than health, you might want to rearrange your value hierarchy.
  5. Mercer


    I feel sorry for the officer that died to make this possible.
  6. Don't know if a lightning could work well as my only whip. Not many fast charge options on the road yet. Looking at that giant frunk with outlets got me wanting to pull up flexing a hidden compressor drip for no good reason though.
  7. That sub literally promote zero ambitions, and slowly fusing to your couch as a preferred lifestyle choice. You could expect to be swarmed, and banned in that sub for expressing even the smallest ambitions in life. After the controversy now, the most outspoken members are reframing their goals as "work life balance" in other subs. Everyone knows they're literally anti-work, and even Socialists think their will to not contribute is cringe.
  8. Dude is also currently banning anyone who calls him out in that sub for going on faux news.
  9. Not canceling the Snicker's dick vein is the only cause I feel is worth caring about /prohomo™
  10. redditsave.com_what-7g14q1xnuvd81.mp4
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