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the sun y el sol

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Everything posted by the sun y el sol

  1. new yorkers hate on eachother duke the rat race extends to all facets of life here. guaranteed for every 5 nyc bombers you see in magazines or on videos or on the streets(scenesters),theres about 15 other kids that you have no idea about that keep their shit private and unique and fresh. not everyone is out for fame,at least graffiti-wise. nyc and the surrounding metropolitan area is hugeee 20 million people in a 20 mile radius.
  2. i did it in photoshop. the background is my creation ,letters are freehand using a pentablet colors i picked i dont like simple lettering either i bomb with cans, but i aint posting that tag up on here, im not a moron.theres not 1 trace of what i bomb with anywhere in my house or on my computer,mad rats where i live
  3. ru paul stands no chance, since he is against immigration,and america is a country of immigrants,every last one of you,unless you are native american.
  4. nah but i have information on abandoned/decaying/haunted buildings,houses,mansions,institutions ,factories the place where the movie "jacobs ladder" was filmed is around the corner
  5. you're all a bunch of mid-western american/australian ,artsy-fartsy trust-fund-emo-fueled hipsters
  6. they have always been here.also remember, besides the native american aspect of the whole issue, spanish was the first european language of the americas,including north america. majority of west coast cities have spanish names. majority of the southern u.s cities have spanish names. thats why english will never be america's official language,no matter how hard they try.
  7. also the majority of people on welfare in america are white americans,fact.thats whos draining the economy. also out-sourcing of jobs by american companies. also corporate fraud by white americans. also tax evasion by american corporations(walmart doesnt pay taxes due to a loophole).also pointless wars. also insurance fraud by white collar americans.also a european based-white majority government filled with absolute imbeciles who just want to line their pockets. not mexicans who come here to do the work that americans are to good to do,because it doesnt pay enough money for a new suv and big screen tv. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhEl6HdfqWM
  8. disintegrate the economy? first off, the work that illegal mexicans do contribute over 100 bilion dollars a year into the econonmy,yet it only costs around 20 billion to keep them here. aren't they paying their rent? second, illegal immigrants have been coming over the border since the 1800's,since the mexican-american war, and the spanish-american war. that is when the majority of them did come over the border. BUT NO ONE MADE AN ISSUE OF IT UNTIL 9/11 WHEN WHITE AMERICA BECAME SCARED OF BROWN PEOPLE. thrid off, they do the majority of the food harvesting and construction work in america, they have been for the past few decades. THEY ARE AMERICA. if it wasnt for the food industry and construction industry, america would be shit, and illegal mexicans are doing all the work. fourth, on the topic of health care, did you know that white-american white-collar fraud steals almost 200 billion dollars a year out of the medical system. and thats for what? new SUV's and 5th summer homes? yet when someone actually needs real free healthcare,the american public gets into a racist uproar? you know whos illegal? europeans. europeans came here illegally, and genocided over 200 million indiginous americans,and then european style government and politics and people have nerve to call native americans illegal? also, less then half of the 15 million or so illegals are actually mexican or latino. the rest are mainly irish,european, russian and asian. yet no one makes noise about them. why is it always focused on mexicans? i know why. BECAUSE THEY ARE BROWN SKINNED.
  9. disintegrate the economy? first off, the work that illegal mexicans do contribute over 100 bilion dollars a year into the econonmy,yet it only costs around 20 billion to keep them here. aren't they paying their rent? second, illegal immigrants have been coming over the border since the 1800's,since the mexican-american war, and the spanish-american war. that is when the majority of them did come over the border. BUT NO ONE MADE AN ISSUE OF IT UNTIL 9/11 WHEN WHITE AMERICA BECAME SCARED OF BROWN PEOPLE. thrid off, they do the majority of the food harvesting and construction work in america, they have been for the past few decades. THEY ARE AMERICA. if it wasnt for the food industry and construction industry, america would be shit, and illegal mexicans are doing all the work. fourth, on the topic of health care, did you know that white-american white-collar fraud steals almost 200 billion dollars a year out of the medical system. and thats for what? new SUV's and 5th summer homes? yet when someone actually needs real free healthcare,the american public gets into a racist uproar? you know whos illegal? europeans. europeans came here illegally, and genocided over 200 million indiginous americans,and then european style government and politics and people have nerve to call native americans illegal? also, less then half of the 15 million or so illegals are actually mexican or latino. the rest are mainly irish,european, russian and asian. yet no one makes noise about them. why is it always focused on mexicans? i know why. BECAUSE THEY ARE BROWN SKINNED.
  10. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php/ron-paul-one-388512.html the dude stands no chance.by 2050, Latinos/Indiginous Americans will be the majority in America, and obviously heres people that want to stop it, including this guy. If you can look at a Mexican, and tell me hes a European, then you are retarded.
  11. he was and probably still is a white supremacist,and is against immigration into America. Anyone running for office who is against immigration,is against America, because people seem to forget that they are all immigrants,unless they are native american(from canada to south america). If a candidate is against immigration, he is pro-greed. this guy stands no chance we will continue to make this fact known
  12. ohyeaa, i was right that you were a turd gurgler
  13. so you're native american, or are you some eurotrash who thinks they are american? :lol:
  14. yea what was it that he said.. " if you vote democratic, you die in a terrorist attack"
  15. i been to some raves, blowing some haze, listen to some jungle/dnb its all good i wasnt into all that candyraver stunted development e tard shit tho
  16. "take control of your country like the federal enforcement management agency" rza-holocaust
  17. thats what i told your moms when she created you
  18. go smoke your meth trailor trash
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