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Everything posted by UPS!

  1. I remember the year that for about 6 months every other fucking thread was about DAO...
  2. Where the haters, doubters, and nay sayers at now Joe? 2 SB rings in 17 seasons, god damn its amazing to be a Ravens fan. Jacoby Jones should of got a Co-MVP award.
  3. Banned, shit does anyone get to stay anymore? This thread had an ''old'' channel zero feel, and everyone came out, but still dissapoint..
  4. Holy shit im fucking stoned
  5. And apparently Channel 0. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  6. All im saying is personally id rather have a gun knowing alot of other people have guns, than not having a gun and knowing some people have guns, a majority of which would be up to no good. We all have some fantasy island shit of how this issue could be solved. Lets look at the facts: There are already millions of registered guns in the US. There are already millions of untraceable guns in the US. So do you let the cops go door to door and round up the millions of guns that (most) law abiding citizens(hate this term) registered and had for hunting, or self defense of their home and in the wake of that leave a fairly large window of time open for goons already armed to be the only ones other than the Jakes with guns? To me, a fair compromise would be just making it harder for psychos & idiots to get guns, and anyone who passes the criteria has to have some sort of training, certification, register the fucking thing and ill even throw the gun control persuasion a bone and agree that we don't need fucking M16's and such on the streets. But again I also truly believe that if you give em an inch...the mother fuckers will take a mile.
  7. The name calling is for shits and giggles. Shouldn't you be bragging in some smokey bar named the ''Golden Kangaroo'' about your glory days of shitting in a bucket in the desert?
  8. Fucking Australia and the UK are way different cases than the US. Our population dwarfs the former, and were not some tiny little piece of shit island like the latter. Gun control is much easier to enforce on a smaller, controlled island(UK) and in Australia most of your population is concentrated in many of the same areas, always making it easier to control. Just because gun control works relatively well where you live, doesnt mean it would be effective here. The US does have a gun culture, and there are so many entities tied into the whole thing. There are already millions of guns out there, say the US implements gun control...now gangs and organized crime will have another billion dollar industry to fund violence and crime. While those of us who would have a gun for no other reason than to take down a doe, or to shoot a fucking nigger breaking into our house, get fucking killed and our shit jacked. You fucking pussies can stay on your shitty little islands and preach your bullshit gun control. Im worried about the de facto, or simply put there are millions of fucking guns out there, criminals dont abide by laws, and there will always be guns in America. Im actually for improved gun safety laws, such as registration, increased difficulty to obtain guns, etc etc. But taking guns out of hands who follow the rules is just fucking stupid.
  9. No use in arguing with trailer trash hillbillies, and I dont watch Alex Jones I barely know who he is. And I never said either way, I havent made up my mind. However im open to the idea that anything is possible, they finally got gun control legislation on the table didnt they? Stay classy you fucking excuse of a man, how many forms of Hepatitis have you got off of Craigslist by now? Gun control only affects people who follow the law Decy, and again you fucking retards are acting like im in here preaching some Zeigeist shit. Maby dont be so fucking narrow minded and case closed. What about the collusion between the Brits and Loyalist militants to kill civilians in N.Ireland? Look it up, if the government was willing to do that, whats a few school children to push gun control? As always by the time im done typing I wonder why I either bother to argue with a bunch of limp dick middle aged balding men who have nothing else to do but troll a ''hip-hop'' site.
  10. Do you guys hands ever fall off from the circle jerk that goes on around here? God forbid anyone have a different or alternative view than you.
  11. Fuck the Pro bowl 11 new players attending due to Ravens/49ers Superbowl... Cannot wait, yet cannot get enough of my team and my QB getting the lime light. Niggas still saying they'd rather have Matt Ryan than Flack....pundits just can't get their head out of their ass and admit when they're wrong. Non-Bias, how could you ever say that and not vomit in your shorts?
  12. To be fair I can't answer this question without knowing how much ''power'' you guys have, I know I wouldn't be banning a bunch of long time members in a time of already lack luster participation. Im not trying to give you a hard time, im just saying if McLovin is still here...someone is asleep at the wheel. All that aside, assuming how much clout you have id be as vocal as I could be about the issues that members keep bringing up. I wouldnt of split the threads up, hindsight is 20/20 but that didnt seem to work. Basically id try to facilitate conversation and only ban people if they really really fuck up, at least at this point in the game.
  13. Haha Silba, you guys arrent going anywhere with Cutler. Da Bears have most the pieces they need, but my boy JayJay isnt someone who can get it done. Also have you guys filled the coaching slot yet? Firing LS wasnt a great move...but maby they thought he'd be a black Andy Reid.
  14. This fucking guy....I mean sarcasm(your excuse) is hard to pick up usually over text, but there was nothing sarcastic about your comment. Keep trying, you'll be funny or witty eventually! Must spread @ Silba
  15. :lol: ^ IR with another thread save...damn nurga they should be paying you
  16. I don't know if you're trying to be witty and failing(go figure) or if you didnt know I meant apathetic, ya know, like when the administration of a website stops giving a shit. And it took about 30 seconds to type my entire response including my little jab at you, don't kid yourself, I wouldnt spend 10minutes on anything involving you other than funeral arrangements. Baseball is a faggot sport, no wonder you're such a huge fan.
  17. ''the only problem is that neither caused the crime '' Did you seriously just fucking say that? What caused it then, since it wasn't guns and it wasn't a mentally unstable kid what killed all those children? Im not pushing any agenda either, im in the small margin of people with a brain that sees that both issues need to be changed, specifically the ability of the mentally ill to purchase guns seemingly easy. We can lock up every kid who smokes or sells a little pot, but itd be unethical to put the fucking loons away? Explain that one to me
  18. Haha I suppose you NEVER complain about anything you use.. Im sure when your internet is out, or your phone fucks up you don't curse it. Im sure you never complain about the government, subways, whips(cars) or anything else that you use or participate in. Its apathetic fucking attitudes that downed this place. Exactly, thats why ive got nothing to say to you other than eat shit and die. You lost cause mother fucker.
  19. Of course its fishy, its kind of strange how the body counts keep getting higher and higher. The details get fuzzier and fuzzier. How the fuck is a dad who just lost his daughter able to do anything but mourn? I don't have kids but im assuming if I did and they died I wouldnt be laughing before my press conference. But as with most other things I stay out of these arguments because you can't tell most of these retards anything. This & Aurora both seem government orchestrated to me, but good luck telling that to middle America who eat sleep and breathe Fox news and tabloids.
  20. Go figure a piece of shit website that you can't even log into would die off. The remnants being fucking 30's aged losers arguing with college kids about how sweet their snot nosed kids are and why police rock...on a graffiti website. The internets never cease to amaze me.
  21. Patriots can suck my dick, most overated team in the history of football. All the Pats fans fizzle at the mouth when you bring up spygate, but why havent they won a big game since then? They play in a freebie division and get about 5-6 free wins a year, and the easiest god damn schedule, time after time after time. Rules are made up for them, and if you havent seen atleast some bias in their games over the past decade, then you need to puff puff pass that meth. Thats why when they play a real team they get their ass kicked, the ref's tried to throw it their way early and even that couldnt stop the Leviathan. Fuck the Patriots, Fuck Tom Brady, Fuck BB, & fuck all their bandwagon fans who will disappear when Brady does.
  22. Honest question Decy, when London was basically taken over and 1/2 of it burnt down two summers ago, you think maby that wouldnt of happened had there been more guns in citizens & police hands for that matter?
  23. Just to show how fucking stupid the legislation is, why target M60's and belt fed machine guns(yes hyperbole) when handguns are used in a majority of the shootings? People need to actually read the god damn legislation before they make their mind up one way or another. Instead of ''GUNS ROCK BRO da gubment ganna take us over without em,'' or ''Guns are the only reason this is happening, lets ban AR-15's and all the school shootings will stop!'' Its cool though, most of America is fucking lazy & retarded, too bad you can't write laws to control that.
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