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Everything posted by _blank_

  1. i feel yah^^ sittin at work bored, when i leave here, gotta go into my other job. I WANNA FUCKING PAINT TONIGHT. hope the weather permits.
  2. listenin to that, smokin a bowl of bluegrass chronic worked a double today, another one tomm, wish i coulda gone to the yard but its ranin
  3. comin down off a cid trip, sun came up a couple hours ago bout to chill out for a bit, watch a movie, sketch for an hour or so gota go into work in less than 8 hrs, would like to catch some sleep before.
  4. been feelin some oatmeal stout recently.
  5. at work.listenin to dubstep. openin mail. waiting for 3 o clock to roll around. got a lil art show to attend tonight, watchin some homies paint live, and hangin a few canvas' myself. hoping for a good money making weekend at my second job (waiting tables) you guys have a good one.
  6. listenin to that^ just got done doin a lil work downtown..been a minute since i had painted the city at all. blowin a bowl of some funk, out of some new glass that a friend blew for me. bout to pass out, wake up at 10:00 for a double tomm.
  7. _blank_


    that brisk pisto and relic wall lookin tight
  8. seap jigl frank LEVISx2 thanks for the flicks.
  9. _blank_


    horse poppin up everywhere. dude gets it in
  10. dagr...really? you suck go ahead and throw in the white rag..give up. bump kink horse, and the rest of LD.
  11. _blank_


    why the packers? coulda picked a better team/scheme than that
  12. i was gonna say the same thing until i read what u said ^^
  13. ...?? alota this stuff is ehhh....NO.
  14. dude he fuggin roasted that wall
  15. _blank_


    lets see more brisk choke relik sacred and cents.
  16. i appreciate the feed back
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