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Everything posted by _blank_

  1. _blank_


    TBS TNT ABC NBC FX FOX MTV bump all of it.
  2. someone go back n re do those pieces...
  3. _blank_


    im bouta have to come act shtoopid up there soon.
  4. cravin another L and some food.. preparing myself for the chores i have to do when i get off work. thinkin bout her. wonderin what life is really about.
  5. _blank_


    that berlin and cents car is $$$$
  6. _blank_


    ^ my opinion towards graffiti right now.
  7. you were in the yard sunday night ona sou waffle player!! ...still rollin like a boss.
  8. feel yah !@#$% my tattoo artist is also a G when it comes to that. yall should already know what im doin..same shit M-F. sittin here at work. just finished up everything for the day. doin postals, listenin to the wiz k station on pandora. scopin the oontz. gona go hang some new pieces tonight for an art show on friday. then get started on muh taxes. its a gorgeous day outside, i cant explain how much that helps my attitude, but im sure you know the feeling. yall have a good one!!
  9. hahaaaaa.... this fucking thread. so many idiots.
  10. where are your flicks? this thread got lame real quick
  11. and fuckin bump gasm elmer and reft too. damn.
  12. let the haters hate... mecro BEEN doin work. and BEEN doin fonts. hes got em on lock, all the way from the colors, to the tech. no denying that. vour has been workin hard on that font, been gettin better every time he paints it. it is obviously a similar style and tech..but is it something worth bitching about? or tryin to ride someone out about? big ups to both dudes. and to you fgts who take the time to hate too. get out n do work.
  13. listenin to that album. ^^ just got home from applebees with the team..(steak and shrimp fajitas) blowin funk. scopin flickr. lookin forward to sleeping in tom. gotta finish up a few pieces for a show comin up this friday. holllerrrrrrr....
  14. would have liked to given heist dap.
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