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Everything posted by _blank_

  1. man oh man.. walked into a busy ass day at work, considering ive been MIA the past two days due to that funeral. ive had 2 friends pass before this, but it didnt seem as real as this funeral. seeing half of my graffiti community all in one room, sulking over a lost soldier was an amazing sight. kind of uplifting. i know they would do the same for me. im kind of over this situation with moms, i WILL be moving on. with or without. i got my family by my side, and they know who they are. im a prime example of why blood doesnt mean your family. i give thanks to those who stand by my side unconditionaly. yall are the best. today is a new day, and im gonna get out and take advantage of it. i went to my tattoo shop yesterday to shoot the shit with the homies after the funeral, get some things off my mind. and when i walked in the first thing i hear is "just the man i wanted to see" ...they asked me to start on a lil comission job this week, and im going back today to oreder the paint. pretty hyped on it. yall have a great day, dont let anything hold you back from it.
  2. i couldnt imagine hurting her like that. i duno how to treat that. i want to help her/him. but i almost feel like its out of my hands. (her and my ex-step dad are going to court now for the 2nd time to fight for full custody of the little guy.) i have alot to explain to little josh when he grows up. for now, i HAVE to worry about myself.
  3. im buggin out. i got shit for parents, and am in a terrible spot in life. had a friend pass this weekend. fucking horrible situation. the room that i rent from my mom floods everytime it rains. she begs me not to move out bc she cant pay her own bills. ive got a 10 yr old autistic brother who im scared for bc my mom is so fucked up on pills and liqour she cant even get herself together. let alone a family. tryin as hard as i can to make a real life for myself, and be able to enjoy it, unlike most of the people i grew up around. but i feel like everytime i get one step closer, of course. i get knocked back 2. ive got $, not alot, but enough to get me by. i need to go ahead and take the next step of my life, move out (again) and try n start something new. i got a great GF who isnt willing to let me fall, which helps almost more than anything, considering pops is a crackhead, and like i said. mom cant do a damn thing for herself. so all the support i can get from outsiders is greatly appreciated. it would be nice to have my parents around for guidence, but to me its like they havent been here before, why the fuck would i want em around now?! i will succeed, and i will accomplish my goals. with or without anyone else. i hope you guys have a good week, and keep pushing on!! thats all you can do. GIVING UP IS NOT AN OPTION.
  4. _blank_


    do u have a flick of the syw that was there? ^
  5. _blank_


    rapes is the fuggin man
  6. listenin to that. making time sheets for the people i work with. open off some purp. (fiiiire) thinking about lunch, my girl, and how im comin up on paint this week for a trip over the weekend. big ups to my team! and the rest of you idiots! yall have a good day..
  7. on the phone with LGE. boriiiing. dinner n a movie with ol girl tonight. finally have a night off. got a chessie last night. hyped on that. hope you fools have a good week!
  8. _blank_


    look at ekzam poppin back out!! heater.
  9. that remix and JIGL that blk n yellow wall sucks dick.
  10. about to walk outa work n go bench some trains. muchneededtimealone.com
  11. listenin to that. recapping on the sex i had this AM. deciding if i should go back to the spot tonight, get another one in. or spend time with her.. eww. both jobs today, and no off day for at least another week. got alot on muh mind right now...getting older sucks dick.
  12. _blank_


    i <3 new kicks
  13. sueme and boja cant be touched!!!! love this thread
  14. _blank_


    cool tropis bros!!! sike.
  15. _blank_


    you guys talk so negative about your scene..the only people that can change it are you. get out n do work. your city/scene diserves it. im done talkin in here...muh bad.
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