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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. I was stoked on it, but these younger cats probably have no idea who he is or why he has an entire vid sessioning cellar doors. Acquired taste type thing probably.
  2. ^That nigga's got WORK ETHIC! So much gold in that. From when he snapped his board in two places and you could hear his head thump off the ground, to the shit talking he does to psych himself up, to the security guard just watching and not saying shit.
  3. ^That = me every time I go to Wendy's these days. Real talk.
  4. I think it's funny how BMX dudes do Losi grinds and call them "Smith grinds". If you're gonna jack the skateboarding name for the trick, at least get the trick right.
  5. That's not even a line, that's the longest combo trick I've ever seen in my life!
  6. Maybe you never been in a subway before and therfore don't know how wide the tracks really are. look at therailroad ties in that pic and you'll clearly see that two tracks were edited to look like one.
  7. I'd imagine it'd be hard to give her a good orgasm. "Is it in yet?"
  8. Or just push around real fast and evaporate the water out of them. That's what we used to do at Love back in the day.
  9. Fuckit... Smash the giant just to say that I did.
  10. That subway Ollie is a photoshop. A pretty obvious one too.
  11. http://lh5.ggpht.com/-W8KsziBprKs/SJGhht_RcGI/AAAAAAAABu4/88QpWnucn-k/s720/britney-spears-pussy-pics-6.jpg
  12. Says the guy who's clearly mad that his girl has broad shoulders and narrow hips.
  13. Did you just call yourself a retard?
  14. The hips and shoulders are how you tell if its a tranny or not. Have fun banging tyrannies you fucking idiot.
  15. Also calling photoshop on that stache.
  16. Anyone who thinks that Asian jawn is a dude is a fucking retard. Maybe if you kids spent less time playing video games and more time plowing pussy you'd know the difference between a man and a woman's hips and shoulders.
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