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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Your loss, bro. That's why I said you'd be a good wing man. Have fun with your fat, lazy, spoiled white broads. Just more hot non-white broads who can cook and suck a mean dick for the rest of us. ;)
  2. Your blatant racism is hilarious. You'd actually make a pretty good wing man. You'd let me have all the good looking non-white chicks, while you pounce on their fat white friends.
  3. LMAO!!! I'll bet Ms Piggy has even more rug rats running around.
  4. Just so we're clear, you're talking about this jawn right?
  5. This is the smash or trash thread. It's not about what your thing is or isn't, it's about what you'd allow yourself to drunkenly trip and fall into or not. You said you'd allow yourself to drunkenly fall into the human version of Ms Piggy. I called trash on Ms Piggy and instead opted for the slightly beat up Hawaiian chick who would actually look halfway aight after a pitcher or two of beer. No amount of beer could ever do that for Ms Piggy.
  6. ^Says the guy who called smash on Ms Piggy up there? Put a gun to my head and I'm taking the Hawaiian baby momma over the human Ms Piggy any day. Fuck a gun to the head, just give me a pitcher or two of beer.
  7. All that shit was in the 70's. Crack didn't hit till the 80's.
  8. Where's all the Jaydens of the past few years? I swear that's gotta be the most common name of the past decade of everybody giving their kids whack names.
  9. ^I was thinking the polar opposite of this.
  10. If this bitch lost 80lbs, I'll bet she'd be dope. Maybe even just 70lbs.
  11. I've never had to switch races to get a broad either. If the bitch looks good, I hit it. If she's cool, I stick around and hit it often. If the bitch is wifey material, I wife her. I ran through a lot of pussy before finding my wife. But since you wanna turn it into a racial issue, in my experience white girls (at least for the most part) tend to be drama driven conniving smuts who don't know how to cook because they're too busy partying and shit, and by the age of 20 pretend to not know how to suck a mean dick like they did when they were 14 because they've become lazy and tired of pleasing their man and instead prefer to just lay there and play fuck doll while you do all the work. In my pussy travels I found a wifey, and I wifed her. Have fun cooking dinner and washing the dishes for your "Aryan" bride though, you race patriot you. :lol:
  12. Is she clowning you on your dick size?
  13. There's a difference between a little pudgy and straight up fat. Guaranteed when them tight ass pants and corsets come off, the flab rolls come falling out. To each their own. I've definitely scratched my heads at some of the chicks some of you's call "trash" on. If you like fat bitches then more power to you. But don't pretend that bitch aint trying her hardest to disguise her beast rolls.
  14. No, anybody who would is straight desperate. I'd have to be severely trashed to even try to harpoon the whale that I already know is hiding in them pants.
  15. You can't blame me for the confusion.
  16. I said that she was disguising her fat with them pants. And that them pants were not doing a good job to the trained eye of disguising her fat. Don't get me wrong, I've gotten drunk enough to trip and fall into that trap before. I'm just speaking from experience here.
  17. Assuming that's who I think it is (Jenna Bush?), I'd have to pass just on the basis that I might actually strangle her over the bullshit that I would expect to come out of her mouth. If she surprised me by falling FAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR from the tree, then maybe we can talk.
  18. Bitch even got Miss Piggie tatted on her cause she know's she's fat LMAO!!! One thing that cracks me up about this thread is that motherfuckers will yell "trash" at broads that are half decent because they're "too skinny", then turn around and yell "smash" at fat bitches. No, that's not a "fat ass and big titties", that's just fat. Call me old fashioned, but I'll take a skinny bitch with a mediocre face any day over a fat bitch.
  19. You sound like a champ. My wife bitches if my nails are too long. And here you are taking a pepper mace fingerbanging like it's nothing. :lol:
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