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Media One

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Everything posted by Media One

  1. It’s the woodruff syrup they add to the sour base beer to make it sweeter. It’s a unique taste but really refreshing
  2. Vocation do some nice beer, we used to have it on in a bar I worked at all the time but had to stop. I heard their was some dispute with a rival brewer and they couldn’t sell it to us anymore. Hey have a pub a bit further up north from me though that I’m going to try visit one day
  3. Mainly Germans and Belgians tonight. All bought from the local bottle shop.
  4. if you’re ever in London/ uk and see a kernel beer, buy it and enjoy it
  5. one of those cheap lager days
  6. Just picked up some freshly poured cask beer. I haven’t had cask beer since they closed the pubs in march. Also, what’s the deal with cask in America/ australia?
  7. Having a few beers and being merry. Is it just the uk which uses the phrase “couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery” for anything/ anyone that’s a bit inept?
  8. Fact about the glass. A local brewery organised a piss up at their brewery to end the craft beer week we had been having A few days before however, the city revoked the license for them to do it. Thankfully, the pub next door Allowed then to use the premises and everything went ahead.
  9. Treated myself to a mini keg for the weekend.
  10. If you ever get the chance to have a beer from Pohjala, do it. Their stouts and barley wines are some of the best I’ve had.
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