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Media One

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Everything posted by Media One

  1. Got another couple of these this week too cheers @Lorne_Malvo🍻🍻
  2. Got covid and lost my taste so haven’t had a beer for a while. Thankfully, it has now returned albeit still a bit off when eating particular foods
  3. Happy new year everyone. Hopefully we’ll be able to have pints in pubs again soon 🍺🍺
  4. Oh yes! Snake eyes all the way
  5. Trying to keep Supporting the locals as much as I can. Session was the go to beer at the pub for everyone on a Friday after work. Fed up with lockdown now
  6. First keg beer in a few months
  7. Pre butchering of the wax. Looks great, but is a pain in the arse to remove
  8. More German treats. The local bottle shop has acquired a few rare Franconian stuff that doesn’t usually leave the country. Might have to pay a visit once the rona is over
  9. Another week, another black iris pick up. Supporting the local brewery since everything’s locked down
  10. @Lorne_Malvo real good stuff, one of the smoothest NEIPAs I’ve had for a while.
  11. Pint of Monsal Gold at monsal head
  12. Octoberfest beers tasting great, but unfortunately people still find it difficult to pour a decent Guinness
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