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Media One

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Everything posted by Media One

  1. To be fair, their beer is decent and I haven’t had a bad pint from them. The guy who owns the brewery now though is a bit of an oddball.
  2. Yeah, I went in one in Durham that got a bit strange after dark.
  3. If you ever get the chance to visit a Samuel smith pub in the U.K. go for it. Sometimes they can be a bit shit due to the type of clientele cheap booze attracts, but sometimes you can find a good one. It always amazes me how everything is Samuel smith branded from the crisps to the wine to the spirits
  4. Random brewery that doesn’t sell anything up north
  5. Working down south this weekend so got off the train a stop early to visit deya.
  6. Had a check up at the dentist, too old to be given a sticker or lollipop so had a pint instead
  7. I have no control over the orientation of the photos 🙃🙃
  8. A few pales, stouts and bitters from this afternoon
  9. I love waffle fries. They’re definitely in my top 3 of type of potato 🥔
  10. Have you got a photo of the opposite wall? I remember driving past this, one being beer themed and the other champagne themed Or something
  11. Currently sampling some Croatian beers, pints are super cheap. There are a few craft bars, but I’ve yet to find them. 90% of beers drank here are from domestic breweries, tomislav is the strongest apparently. Pan is basically carlsberg and ozujsko is everywhere.
  12. Yeah I’m not a fan of reading loads of text on a screen but it’s a good way to skim and scan and get the basic gist of the text
  13. I should hopefully have this saved for me when I’ve got a bit of disposable income. Part 1 of a 3 pet series. Can’t wait for the rest
  14. Have you tried using google translate, taking a photo of the text? It’s a bit of a pain in the arse and the translation isn’t always exact but it’s allowed me to read a few books that have otherwise sat unread with me just enjoying my the photos
  15. When I’ve had non alcoholic beers before they taste like a strange soda water. These guys have got the recipe sorted so it actually tastes like decent wheat beer
  16. A taste of Germany in an English suburb
  17. It was covered in cinnamon sugar. I don’t like cinnamon but it went down well with the beer @metronome
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