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Media One

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Everything posted by Media One

  1. New post pandemic pub opened with some decent offerings. Offers sufficient people watching facilities as well and only a minute from some other decent boozers
  2. Visiting last year and certain u bahn lines were hit hard. The Kevin schulzbus videos on YouTube give a good overview of what it was like accompanied by a decent soundtrack and editing I’m useless at taking photos of panels, think I get too excited when I see them and want to enjoy the moment
  3. It’s just a zine, no specific name, from emmet edelstein. Here’s a link to the publisher @Deine Mudder https://instagram.com/tuckerbagpress?utm_medium=copy_link
  4. This was the train @Schnitzel
  5. Didn’t get camera out in time but der edelstein has got it in one of his mags. I’ll dig it out and show you, that’s the best I can do
  6. Apologies for the poorly cleaned glass on the first one. Visited some caves and this was the beer they’d made using water from down there.
  7. No idea why they post upside down
  8. I think they’d be infuriated 😂 probably tastes exactly the same though.
  9. Rodenbach in cans?!?!?? I can imagine there’s Belgian beer nerds going mad over this. last few London beers before heading home, fugitive motel was good, sat outside and watched the trains rolling buy while enjoying a beer. Old street brewery was right near the graff shop but there beers were slightly warm, something not right. London fields was from the local kebab shop, not bad to be fair.
  10. Popped down London for a few days.
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