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Everything posted by Vivre

  1. I want to fuck my math teacher... technically i work for her.
  2. they are clueless:lol:
  3. on this site: http://www.dougweb.com/faq.html Regardless of what you read at the Art Crimes web site, much of today's graffiti is indeed gang related (turf marking, drug oriented, or hate type) tag graffiti. Travel through any large communities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and even my little town of Pleasant Hill and it becomes quite obvious. Art Crimes is clueless. The number of persons actually interested in painting pretty pictures must be minuscule when compared to the amount of bad talent and gang graffiti out there. The gang vs artist debate is a smoke screen used to placate communities. Graffiti advocates want you to look the other way. The few who are not in gangs don't want you to feel concerned or frightened when a gang moniker or the tag from a violent crew appears on the power pole in front of your home. The graffiti advocate knows if you are concerned about the effects of graffiti, the "graffiti artist" down the street might get extra attention from the police. Tagging crews are a gang of sorts, since they are involved in illegal activity that can include theft of paint and markers from stores, violence against the public and other crews, as well as misdemeanor or felony vandalism. Graffiti vandals are indeed in gangs! Anyone who tells you otherwise is uninformed or is trying to deceive you.
  4. i like how the middle bar in the 'e' is an arrow, thats dope dude, add more arrows though, and maybe pictures of weed scattered around there, and "fuck the police"
  5. Re: What's your favorite gun? Glock 19.....
  6. no one will seriously answer this shit... go ask some big black guys if they do graffiti and learn from them
  7. the skinny ones have like 3 drips of paint
  8. I haven't seen State Your Name yet, i heard the second one was coming out though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjWmQ1dFJcQ
  9. how much shit do you guys have stolen from your stores?
  10. ha, well specify. nice stand for the caps by the way
  11. Vivre

    Bombing fills

    Jesus Potato Heals All
  12. so does your mom. o damn. uber burn, no, i'll go up a step, you just got mith burned, bro. better get some ice on that, or maybe a polio shot.
  13. yeah, i like to label my caps, and lock them up in a really expensive case too.
  14. and a sponsorship from mtn.:)
  15. well, i got it, and it isn't amazing, but worth getting a can. it just doesn't show up unless its in a really really dark place, but still visible to people. hard to find.
  16. limit ......... im a rebel!:cool:
  17. i dont talk shit, i just tell the truth.... and have a little fun
  18. but then you'd have to pay for it...
  19. 1. It has space to write on for free. 2.Places easily seen by people. 3.Policemen's Faces. 4.Your Moms Vagina. 5.Places With PRIVATE PROPERTY signs. no, it doesnt fucking matter. 6.Less plastic bottle connectors, they suffocate dolphins.
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