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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. I'm hearing you, Feeder. Haven't seen the movie, but I've watched Bill W. a fair few times now. It's all one day at a time, for all of us, yo. A lot of people focus on that sober time, counting and measuring, I wouldn't want anyone to hate on themself for having a lapse of judgement - each day is as important as the last. Wasn't sure if this is worth posting in here; http://www.theguardian.com/sport/video/2013/aug/27/mike-tyson-drink-drugs-alcoholic-video?CMP=dis_829 A lot of people are a lot of things, and we're all different, in different life situations, but isn't it amazing how close we all are in thought processes? Stay up, yo.
  2. I don't like him. But he's a smart little cunt, isn't he?
  3. Pfft. And I thought AFL was getting soft. This is football.
  4. 31 thousand dollar fine for a tackle? Fuck me. Anyone have video of said tackle?
  5. He's only banned for a day or so now.
  6. False. I'm bumping the fuck out of my John Denver Christmas album just to piss people off. TPBM loves country and western.
  7. False. The only time I see a train these days, it's got a lick of colour on it. TPBM thinks wireless keyboards are shithouse.
  8. True. TPBM is wondering if the world is flat.
  9. Worried about a bunch of crew caught up in bushfire bullshit.
  10. Is the water not working at your house?
  11. True as fuck. Love it. TPBM think money ain't a thing.
  12. Mad props to the pinch hitter, I'm all out, but I'ma do a Pinchey right quick
  13. I hope your mother is receiving benefits for your condition.
  14. Definitely not the first time. TPBM thinks they're a young man with an old soul.
  15. Thank Inj, and thanks to this whole thread. Funny what a bit of anonymity can do for ones self. I always figured it was destructive.
  16. A NEWLYWED man on honeymoon has accidentally driven off without his wife and only realised she was missing two hours and 200km later. The German couple and their children had pulled over at a service station on Thursday, with the bride hoping out of their minibus to use the toilet, The Local reported, citing radio station FFH. The husband, believing his wife to be asleep in the back of the vehicle, drove off without her. It wasn't until two hours later when his kids became restless near the German city of Braunschweig - about 200km away from the petrol station – that he realised his wife was not there. "My first reaction was ‘is he daft’? I had no money or telephone with me," the 33-year-old woman told FFH. The man contacted police and another three hours later the couple were reunited. "I am not annoyed with my husband. He didn't do it on purpose," the bride said.
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