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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. http://strangesoundsinthesky.com/ http://strangesoundsinthesky.com/ http://strangesoundsinthesky.com/ http://strangesoundsinthesky.com/
  2. IT HAPPENED IN THE UNITED STATE IN 1985. It was dawn, 3 am. Robert White or Bob, told the program Tercer Milenio (Jaime Maussan) who drove his car on the highway between the states of Utah and Colorado when was faced with a strong light on the track. The source of light was a huge object, the size of three urban blocks. It was a strange vehicle - alien. An aircraft flying low right, almost unmoved the air, in the middle of a highway of U.S.. Suddenly took flight and joined the other lights that were hovering in the sky. However, White could see that something flew off or was, perhaps, thrown from one of the ufos or from one of the points of light. The fact was that something had fallen on the ground and Bob decided to rescue that thing, even without know what it could be. Locate the thing was not difficult because it had left a track of burned vegetation. It was an object or fragment object made ​​of some unknown metal material. Bob White sold his discovery (presumably to buy more crack). The current owner of the Colorado Stone (as it will be called here), Larry Cekander, UFO researcher, says that the "piece" was subjected to nine different analyzes generating 19 awards, being recognized as made with a kind of unknown material, composed of a alloy of metals that scientists could not explain how could be forged with the earthly technology. The analyzes were done in reputable institutions, at university laboratories, as in Los Alamos (in the U.S. state of New Mexico), University of California (UCLA), for example. For over a decade, between 1985 and 2009, one fragment remained pure mystery. It was in 2009 that, thanks to the emergence of new technology research, could be detected the first evidence that, in fact, the object was made of a non-earthly matter, of an unknown substance - or never before seen by geologists or mineralogists in the context of academic science. When exposed to light the Stone emits a scintillating light. And more, in the Stone - which also emanates strong electromagnetic radiation - have been identified 33 chemical elements among which, are predominant, aluminum and silver. The material was classified as a superconductor. The team of the Tercer Milenio's reportage found that magnetic cards of hotel's rooms and locks of Electronic Safes simply cease to work with the proximity of the Stone. The fact was discovered when Bob White tried, for the first time - take out the object from inside a hotel coffer and the electronics system had failed. SOURCES Evidencia física de material extraterrestre - Larry Cekander YOUTUBE/tercermilenio. Published on Jul 2, 2013. [http://youtu.be/FWGotq19imM] CANAL TERCER MILÉNIO NO YOUTUBE [http://www.youtube.com/user/tercermilenio?feature=watch] http://youtu.be/cOF5LTcSyUE
  3. https://www.goldbely.com/ https://www.goldbely.com/ https://www.goldbely.com/ ?
  4. Obvious smash. Smash on the train.
  5. Yo red. Shit is hard man. Trying to help people that don't want it, kills me. Getting back in touch with things that used to make you happy without any substance sounds like a good look to me? Yo sleazey. Seeking out drama/chaos is a pretty common trait of an addict. I have physically started to write down when a craving hits me, and what I'm doing at the time. I know a lot of you are familiar with the journal/diary thing - and I'm sure most fucked it off pretty quick. Like after that first week sheet ran out that the GP gave you. I'm on day 29 now, and for the first time through all of this, I was actually in a frame of mind to assess my frame of mind, and trust the assessment that I'd made. The painful part of that is, there's a couple of things on that little list that weren't what I had attributed cravings before. /hopingIain'tjustcrazy Stay up, Kalash.
  6. Haha, I'm going to guess accommodation restraints. But either way, messed up. Pets are dope for sharing some stress burden with. TPBM thinks it just went real dark.
  7. Just got a computer and internet in my house. The future is now.
  8. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/bitcoin-will-bounce-back-from-silk-road-scandal-users-say-1.1913243
  9. That's actually pretty true, but I would have a much higher count than 4 cans. TPBM is really just in it for the fame.
  10. You can't post from flickr like that, mate.
  11. False. TPBM thinks the republicans will back down.
  12. FALSE. True for the invite, but down for rubbing shoulders. TPBM just bought a new car
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