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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. False. Letting an ex know your new address is crayyy. Unless I misread that. TPBM thinks I misread that.
  2. False. Have nothing on tap but I'm not getting toey. tpbm is a sex camel
  3. I flick bitches to my friends if they buy the next round. True. TPBM only writes in red pen.
  4. That's blood, Oakey. TPBM can't be fucked and is calling in a professional.
  5. Was drinking and eating here a day before they took out Champion Ale trophy at the AIBA's. I've got more photos of the brewery, etc. Internet is still playing up.
  6. Ha! Working late making booze. Thinking I might start looking for something to go home to.
  7. Sure. You're paying, or we're doing a runner. OK. TPBM thinks MedCab has deep seeded guilt issues over stealing food from a restaurant, and everytime he goes to a counter order and they take money first - he knows it's because of him.
  8. Very nice, especially for a potato.
  9. True. With some associated 'last meal' cornball phrase to go with. TPBM knows exactly what I should say before pulling the trigger.
  10. @beershits: yes it is a fact. I'm assuming water penetration to one of the rooftop modules but its too wet to get up there right now.
  11. I haven't either, but I have no problem raping the shit out if it if someone links me up
  12. True. TPBM is a terrible packer for holidays/trips.
  13. False. TPBM has subscriptions to magazines they don't read, but can't be fucked cancelling them.
  14. Hating my alarm system. Went off four times last night. Which is annoying because I literally have to get in a car and drive for a couple of minutes to check/reset. Now it won't let me isolate the expansion module so I'm not even positive where the breach was.
  15. Not another human for about 3 kilometres. False. TPBM knows how to install satellites.
  16. Well, just like with Facebook, once they upload the images they are out there to be rehosted and posted.
  17. I know. Still sucks though. Do people get paid per click or something on that shit? I don't understand the hoarding. Or is it just the fact it's a little bit easier than uploading to a forum?
  18. False. TPBM is off on a business trip.
  19. Eh. 34's are OK. Skateboards though.
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