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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. You are a useless question. And that wasn't a childish joke. DON'T come on here and diss people for trying to help you out, and DON"T answer questions like you know what you are talking about because you DON'T! It's little fucking kids like you that ruin everything they get there grubby little fingers on for that 6 month period that they decide will be their new identity. Take my advice and don't post on here and expect any good responses when you act like a dick to people that are here to help. Fuck I wish this internet shit allowed us to at some point be face to face. A lot of you know nothing shits wouldn't talk half the shit you do! You might want to take your own advice and: "...look at the fukin thing ur doin" Your being an ignorant fuck head. FUCK OFF MATE, and ask your multiple asinine questions somewhere else. Maybe you and Smooth-Nuts can start a crew and bomb the suburbs together. Make your parents proud!
  2. ^^you should roll by the crib more often... It's a new addition. Something you ain't never seen before! You won't get the gas from it either!
  3. ^^Correct. Krink or any paint based formula will not, WILL NOT, flow through a real mini wide. If its fresh... Don't use it. You are holding onto a real piece of our history. It's like collecting vintage colors and spay cans. You can make/get the same effect of a mini wide by making one. Takes 10 min. tops! I FINALLY got a NOS Mini-wide(thanks Oink!) and that guy is going in a frame or something... I have wanted one since I first saw it in 92', and never got one till this year. The lady was laughing at me cause I paid for one and was joking me... But then when she saw that I had ordered ink also, she got all upset was like, "Don't fucking use that thing!" She is a bad ass. She also made the comment that "...only a real toy would use one of those today." She's right. If you have to use it... Only use ink, and not DED outdoorsman. It's too good at what it does, and will clog up that stiff nib.
  4. ^^This deserves to be bumped to this page in the best of ways. The color looks great, and your attitude is incredibly awesome! You've got that PMA!
  5. ^^The Ink RULES! Pilot ink is mad expensive and worth every penny. Only refill Pilot markers with ink. NEVER PAINT! And some inks will not work in it. The only one that I know of is DEDoutdoorsman. It will not work well in a Pilot. Good luck kid. Check out the first few pages or search for "pilot" in this thread to find the best ways to refill and use a pilot. Stay up.
  6. whatchu guys know about Shrimpy-Tuna??
  7. "It's still sad to see," Robinson said. "It messes up the ability to do something good in the area and try to modernize things." ^^Do good things like let downtown turn into a dry rotted campfire owned by slum lords that don't even attempt to promote the area... or let people try and live in them? There is so much unused property that these assholes are sitting on, just waiting for the "BIG ART BOOM" to bring up their property value so they can sign a 50 year lease with Starbucks and let them fix it up. Half that shit will burn down before ANYTHING positive will happen to that area. Sorry... I hate everything right now.
  8. ^^True. If you are ain't already scratching your name in a bench with your jacket zipper, or scratching your throw in the dirt with a rock while waiting for the bus, you won't be "UP" anymore than you would with stainers. I can't stop... might not ever. If I'm not doing imaginary smith grinds with my fingers on any edge that I am walking by, I am going through the motions of my tags with my fingers on the wall. Sometimes, like a work, you can't touch the place... My job is more important, but that doesn't mean when the elevator doors close, I start dropping the biggest cleanest tag on the doors before they open... All in in my mind, finger across the doors. All I'm saying is... PAY OINK HIS GODDAMN MONEY! Word life. I need sleep.
  9. Thats what I figured... but it's still just under 800mb... If I had it. Ah well. No big deal. Thanks for the input.
  10. ^^And you said that you don't have a way with words! Thats not quite how I would have said it... Your way is better I think. Also... RAYFONG: Hate to break it to you homie, but KRink(silver) ain't ink. So you do sound like a toy talking about your "paint droppers," telling other people to not talk unless they know, and other ridiculous shit. You need to follow your own words. Oink is a lot nicer than I am and can hook you up with the KR, which I do agree is way better than any home made mix. I buy it as well.
  11. <jokes>^^Slip! You write Heaps??? That's what I write! Time to battle! You think you can touch HeapsterOneism? I gotchu son! </jokes>
  12. <disclaimer>I don't have this file: Spiderman.3 TC RE-ENCODE 20TH </disclaimer> But if I did... Does anyone know anything about the nature of the password protection(what the password might be), or if the file is really what it says it is? Thanks guys!
  13. ^^co-signed. I got a LaCie and they are designed by Porche! Very sleak! Yo dirty! Holla!
  14. ^^I was just fucking with you. Never personal... Unless you are a complete moron, then I hate you. But you aren't, and I was just messing around.
  15. Further more... Why haven't you posted 2300 flicks so far? ^^thats more for UPS! than snow, but in a good way. Post them jams!
  16. Summer school -$150 Car insurance -$300 New Car Tires - $299 explaining that your graffiti budget needs to be re-budgeted = Priceless!
  17. Skirm... You gotta stop opening them markers with your teeth!
  18. ^^hell yeah! Those are the best finds! Working one minute, getting cool shit the next. Nice.
  19. You take one of these: and apply directly to the tip of the nib... OR... You could look up the definitions of "Flare" and "Tip" and put your updated vernacular to good use in this situation. OR... you could look back in the thread from the beginning. But it sounds like you might want to take that second step first then this step. Just my opinion on the matter. Good luck! Stay up!
  20. improves the taste. Almost a gingery flavor. Oh and it stains incredibly well!
  21. ^^co-signed. "graffiti ruined my life." -most real writers.
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