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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. Oh and since you posted it... Bump that Brooknam flick! EYE NEKST And that EMIT(one of the first people to really get that "maelstrom" effect perfect in the mid 90's)!
  2. ^^oh I know. I saw you dissing everything on that wall like it was troll wars under the bridge of despair. I've seen it. And like I said, blurry flick... Not really that great, but good attempt. Really. You almost had it, and thats a stupid hard fill to get right. Sometimes this thread can slow down to a halt for while, but it's ok. A lot of us would prefer to not have flicks from around the world and instead wait for some new or classic VA shit. There are plenty of threads on here with lot's of flicks. Keep at it, and chill out. Internet talk is just talk. ------ ALSO ------ Dyke... I saw a 3 color Dyke straight letter on a wall facing a busy street and it looked cleaner and more solid than his legal/bridge pieces. Actually it was cleaner, and more solid than a lot of shit around town. Stoked. /nosarcasm
  3. Not the white out in a bottle... but in a squeezable pen. Plus, like junobo said, the white is made tough and stays. Check this video of this weirdo holding above said pen.
  4. ^^any arts and craft store.
  5. Not really. Thats a blurry flick. But it's was a good attempt.
  6. ^^There is no fame, and no NEED to even touch the interior of Oregon Hill. Electrical boxes and poles and shit, sure. You can't avoid it. But seriously... If you're going to bust a rushed ass jittery tag... save that shit for the back alleys of broad and not on the houses and small business that in that area.
  7. First... Spell check is free on this web site. If it's underlined in Red, you spelled it wrong. Second... Yes you can refill that guy. I would start with making sure its cleaned out throughly! Do not... DO NOT let the nib(the wet marking tip) get dry or you will have trouble getting it moist(i hate this word) again. I believe those chalk markers are water based so just throw it in some water. Let the body dry out after you have a cleaned it, and put in some ink. As far as what ink to use... Check out Oink. You can get exactly what you need here, and it's a local(USA) small business run by a bad ass outta Tejas! Good luck kid. Next time, just type the way you would talk. And well... If you talk the way you type... Good luck kid! EDIT: Just realized you are Aussie. I don't know if OINK can mail out to you... So... You will benefit from providing the info that you are in Australia if you need to find products and what not.
  8. And best place to catch really dope out of towner tags! Rva as well!
  9. I don't know what happen in my last post to this... here it is again... Answers Prayered!
  10. Awesome write up! For those in need DEO=Deoderant.
  11. ^^If anyone here doesn't know what he is talking about... Please look up "Mean Streak" in google. Everyone should know what a streak is by this point. Jiga: Most people know of these already... I was talking about finding a home made formula to make these from scratch. I want to make my own of what you described^^ above. Check out the metal heads section for flicks of freights. People have used these "streaks" for over 70 years to write their traveling name on the sides of the cars they hopped on to get around for free. ^^I'm a little stoned right now... but you guys all know this right?? I'm just now realizing that I'm telling you stuff I had assumed you already knew? You guys know this stuff right?
  12. Looks like a glossy poster you marked on... The paint doesn't stain... so it sits on the surface. In the wild(streets) you will hit spots that people just won't be scratching. If they do, they do. Hit that spot again... or... Hit up OINK and you can find plenty of stuff to make those marks last. I suggest getting a bottle of Oink, and a bottle of Do Em Dirty and mixing them into a mini mop from Oink's website. Straight Golden. No shit. Otherwise... Your mix will work find. And if you want dope solid colors... you know you can hit up Junobo!
  13. You READ the man...! What up big Bekuz!?
  14. Wow. You truly do have a way with the English language. I am sure that everyone on this "forum" has benefited from your impressive abilities to allow people to hear what you have typed. To be honest, I don't think anyone really heard what I typed earlier. But I will, from now on, look to you for guidance in the ways constructing my syntax. Oh yeah... There is no God. If you really think there is... Prove it. EDIT: BUMP JEW!
  15. Dirty... you a jew?? I never knew... And I thought I loved you... But then I found out you were a jewwwww!!! Wait... Seriously? /nohomo
  16. WHaaa! Get out of here! haha! Wait, seriously??
  17. some of us on here have been talking about that, but I don't know a good recipes that would really mark well, and stay solid at the same time... I am personally looking into what the common streak/oil bar has in it, so I can recreate it with my own colors, and shapes, sizes, etc... Keep checking back, I know it will be on here sooner or later.
  18. Found this. I am totally getting some!
  19. Just keep in mind that it's not a soap. Just a really scratchy bar. Looks soft, but its not. Bright yellow, and made to soften the bottom your feet. No soap needed. EDIT:It works so well because it is seriously taking the top layer of your skin off. But it's ok... Your skin might get a little red for a few minutes, then its ok. And you get super soft bankers hands that the ladies LOVE!
  20. I found this synthetic sponge/pumice at the beauty shop. Yes... I was at the beauty shop. It was the size of a bar of soap, and bright yellow. Nothing special, other than it falls apart after a while, but it's a good thing. Otherwise it would have cut the shit out of me. Anyway... this stuff works for ANY stain or paint I have had on my hands, arms, anywhere. Don't even need soap. Just water. Soap helps... but I don't even know if there is a brand name. They use it on feet that have callouses. Check it out. It works fast!
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