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Everything posted by PERMAFRIED_

  1. rascal flatts??? toby kieth???!!! oh man.
  2. i think im gonna go as a homemade abortion gone wrong... i will wear a diaper and a coathanger around my neck and i'll carry a rattle and i'll be soaked in fake blood. caroline will be my mother, wearing a 50's housewife dress and bloody apron, with bloody umbilical cord hanging from under the dress. this could either be hilarious or turn into a complete disaster and piss alot of people off. i guess we'll find out.
  3. awesome. im about to drink alot of nyquil
  4. ^^^HOW DID YOU DO THAT btw.. <<<not fat, smelly or gay
  5. eating potato salad and playing mike tyson punchout and sweating and then adderall + homework party YEEEEAAAAHHHHH
  6. nooooo.....*= stand-in for tiny circle
  7. ninety-five degrees, farenheit. doopit.
  8. i've been wide awake in an unairconditioned apartment for over 24 hours, and i think it's made me crazy (it's 95* and very humid here). but this vastly improved my mood this morning... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwEt6doEglA&mode=related&search= aaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha:scrambled: :scrambled: :scrambled: discuss
  9. theres this goth raver dude that lives around the corner from me and is nocturnal and probably a vampire, and he always has his windows open and is constantly blaring front 242 while projecting videos of wierd shit like demonic-looking dogs barking or just random trippy-yet-satanic looking visuals onto his walls. as a result i kindof automatically associate projectors with terrifyingly creepy people. rational? of course not.
  10. only recently did i learn the origin of the term "honky" and i must say it is fantastically retarded.
  11. it was raining and bright and sunny simultaneously today. i'm glad we get that alot here.
  12. i had "mind erasers" last night for the first time since high school. all i can say is "WOW"
  13. no TP i usar paw black & gold dbl chevron tee highlighter yellow american apparel drawzzz levis stacked skinny jeans black & white onitsuka tigers issey miyake pour homme ray ban wayfarers listening to Meccano Twins - Machine Slaves about to eat some chinky dog *that vein is a junkie's wet dreamm
  14. that is some ugly shit right there
  15. hmmm with a million i would... pay off all student loans and fund the rest of my education directyly out of my pocket, lump sums n sheeeiit buy a car that i'm not scared to take on the interstate (VW passat? nothing extravagant) buy a home in uptown new orleans, in some semi-sketched out interesting neighborhood. buy some new gear already invest the rest or some smartass crap oh yeah and throw a FILTHY party
  16. Theo and 26sided like his thick voice. ahaha
  17. pure genius, that commercial
  18. so back to this video....wtf...dwarf or child??
  19. no, i do not live with my parents. i abhor most hippies. and i don't even really smoke weed, rendering your all assertions pretty shitty. for real, stop taking my posts so seriously. btw you're just a heavily painted, teased out version of PORKCHOP. SICKKKK
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