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Everything posted by 4thefence

  1. I 2nd that....Look at the free sneak peek. It's old COPS footage. He isn't teaching you anything that you can't learn in 10 minutes for free on the internet.
  2. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I don't know why, but I have always had a thing for Reese Witherspoon. She can play white trash so well.
  3. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Super Greg can not be real. No one that bad could think they were #1....maybe #2.
  4. I watched a guy get fucked by a lady cop once. She didn't like his attitude and sprayed his face with mace. He was screamin' "FUCK ME FUCK ME, YOU CUNT!!! YOU FUCKED ME UP, YOU FUCKING CUNT" It was very sexy....
  5. ^^^^ Very hard to do. You see, taking off the pants is necessary to have sex.
  6. snowboarding is awesome but learning to board sucks. Skiing was way easier.
  7. "Well that was different." "Gross, it's oozing out" and the greatest thing said to me after sex, " That was incredible, I'm not gonna charge you this time."
  8. ^^^ that would be the best ever!!!
  9. Nor-Cal is full of Hippies. My cousin and his nasty girlfriend live in a hippie commune growing weed and making hemp beenies. They even went so far as to buy a Volkswagan Vanagan (spell) to drive around in. They can be found partying at Camanchi Lake during the summer.
  10. Did she cream donut glaze when she came on you?
  11. That's right! We Americans go back to work after Christmas. We may send the woman and some kids out for some after Christmas sales but as a whole we Americans get back to making money. Enjoy your holiday.
  12. Lesbos or Department bicycle....everyone takes a ride.
  13. Ask her if you can have a Ride-a-long. She won't know if you mean in her police car or in her cockpit.
  14. Chargers vs Bears... I can't wait to see LT try to run past Urlacher & Briggs. That would be a great Super Bowl.
  15. It sucks...You know they are tiring to act fucked up for the ratings. The homemade shit on Youtube is still the funniest shit out there.
  16. Dear Snowbirds, Go back to frozen piece of shit State. Stop invading the great Valley of the Sun with your Winnebago's and your Lincoln towncars. Just die at your own home. If I have to miss a fresh green light light because you are to fuckin' slow to clear the intersection I'm gonna drive over you. Arizona doesn't need your tax dollars. Die, the fence
  17. I work at a downtown restaurant that gets alot of cops almost every day. The owner insistes on giving cops 50% off all their meals. Almost every one of those cops tip the other 50%. So they aren't taking the discount and I get a huge tip. People come up to them while they eat all the time. They are always friendly and answer the peoples questions. It would drive me nuts to be bothered by people while I eat. Plus, they always talk about the funny shit that drunk people say. This summer some asshole tired to steal a purse from an old lady. The two regular cops that eat at my restaurant heard the yelling outside and took off. They chased that guy for three blocks, beat his ass, returned the purse and finished their meal. They called the paddy wagon over to hold the suspect while they ate. I was fuckin' awesome. The old lady loved was crying she was so happy to get her purse back. I know that there are bad cops in the world but I have alot of the respect for the officers who work downtown.
  18. Oh, fer duh luv O'christ, boy. Move to Arizona for the winter like the rest of the "blue-hair's" from Wisconson.
  19. I love the "climbing the ladder" move and did I see the "row boat" at the end. Nice!
  20. I agree with !@#$%. I was more fucked up from the shot then the flu.
  21. ^^^^^ Happy endings exist. They just cost $50. extra
  22. My mom tried to beat the shit out of me with a fluffy slipper. I was trying not to laugh when she realized what she was hitting me with. Every couple of years I buy year new slippers as a reminder.
  23. Me too!! I prefer womanholes to manholes
  24. Just kidding.... as far as you know
  25. Nice try!!! Courts don't give "Criminally Insane" hospital stays to minors. Even if you were 18 when they sent you, you would have had to serve your full sentence. They don't give "good time" to nutbags. SOOOOO, what color was the dirt bike you found in the garage.
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