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Bad Man

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Everything posted by Bad Man

  1. Anyone heard using the term "boi" should be shot.
  2. now THAT'S what I call HIP-HOP!
  3. "don't run" I was over a fence by the time it was out of his mouth.
  4. Just some shit I scratched out in class out of boredom.
  5. You automatically lose points for having such a gay domain name.
  6. have the kid evaluated. maing his ass pay $1500 dollars isn't gonna make him want to shoot up the school any less.
  7. haters on the internet? naaaahh that being said, lame site anyway
  8. Bad Man


    Back in the day my dad had a bike shop in California. But he sucks as business, so it closed. Trek ftw.
  9. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you
  10. I got about 20 words in, but it all seemed liked conspiracy theory bullshit, so I scrolled down here to type this to you.
  11. Damn..... Well I thought the commercial was cool.... :(
  12. Bad Man

    5 Pointz

    They have pictures of this shit on the zune when you get it
  13. Man, scion funds a bunch of this shit. You can get trailers of these movies on those dvds they put out.
  14. Bad Man


    dreamcast ftw,
  15. That's fucking funny. The end.
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