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Everything posted by soupBDC

  1. That sand looks fucking miserable. This weekend sucked for my weekly run to half moon for fish and chips
  2. My friend works as a first grade teacher and every week it's something new (think southpark). This week a student came up to my friend and told her that another student had kneed him in the butt. When approached by my friend about the school's "no touching" policy, the alleged butt kneer responded, "I only 'corndogged' him." You can urban dictionary that one if you haven't heard of corndogging. I fucking hadn't. Next theres a girl in the class we've come to agree has a sister in middle school that needs to be tasered. This girl has told the entire class what "humping" means, and now every recess there's three or four kids bugging her to define humping. That may not seem that bad by Ch0 standards but first the kids start asking what certain words mean, then turns it into the "why" game about sex then the fucking parents come to the school with pitch forks and torches and it all just goes downhill. But lets turn this into sharing experiences about first grade, or at least around that time. In kindergarden I lost my first tooth when one of the black kids in class (WB kids club, tap dancing nigra) came up behind me when I was drinking water from a concrete water fountain and slammed my face into it on some racewar shit. I didn't hate the guy after but I was fucking confused as hell. I do hate his fucking parents tho. Between kindergarden and first grade there was a mentally retarded kid named justin (think Timmy) who had a motorized wheel chair which was cool because you could jump on the back of it and he'd zip around the playground until the teachers pulled you off that and told you it wasn't nice to do that. Justin didn't give a fuck. We just thought it was fun. Second or third grade clubs somehow became cool so I went to pier one and bought those sunglasses with shades instead of lenses and gave them to my friends. We'd hang out during daycare even if we wern't in daycare and play five card stud for jolly ranchers and pennies. One of the daycare counselors would join in and throw down real money which made us feel cool.
  3. soupBDC


    Jesus I hope the cat 1/2 pack's okay. I imagine the van wanted to pass the pack and the pack wasn't slowing down to let him back in so he kamikazeed the whole group. Hesh what kind of terrain does philly have? Anything? Im sitting in my garage right now stripping the paint of my frame's rear triangle with Jasco.... For no reason what so ever. It'll either make the bike look like a rat roadie... or look totally fucking rediculous. Either way I dont care because I checked out the Aluminum soloist today and I'm fucking sold. Im thinking older polished veloce shifters with the holes in the levers, black veloce brakes, FSA K-light cranks, ceramic fsa mega exo bb, chrome deda stem and polish out my Control tech ergo bars so the entire front end is shiny (/no homo). Friend just gave me some old chrome nokon cable housing for a dollar so this shit may possibly out-robocop Joker's old CR1. Either way Im dreaming here. Like i said it's a couple months out. I'm considering just selling my motorcycle tho and getting it now but she's a little hard to part with.
  4. This has been for the longest time the best thread in Channel 0. But no more bumping unless you've got a quote!
  5. Quad decker PB&J sandwich with swedish fish in every layer. 2000 calories = destroyer of powerbars.
  6. I think the real test here's gonna be the four days after you stop drinking. Jelly belly should make liquor flavored jelly beans. Whisky, Gin, vodka flavored jellybeans tell me those don't sound good right now.
  7. I think what's more amazing is how unphased I was by a robot hitler when Wolfenstein first came out.... well I mean I was 8 years old, but still.
  8. Going bald just seems like one less thing to deal with.
  9. I was watching something the other day and there was a character named kmart. I couldnt tell you what movie it was or who the character was, but thought maybe you might've got it from that too. My name comes from many things, primarily this, which is my last name translated into english.... which if you think that helps you figure out what it really is.... there's three ways to spell it and about four billion people with the same last name: [湯] ^^^ If your browser's not reading that correctly sucks for you. BDC was added when Mr. ABC banned my old name for putting up MISK's phone number.
  10. Wait before we get into this crap I need help in basic physics first. Where's the video explaining how electromagnetic waves work and why they produce different spectrums of light... because all i can find is this video and it's in japanese: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zDHFDWtsx4
  11. Jesus Hayabusa, this shit's already up to four pages and all I've learned is that I'm as much an idiot savant on the interweb as I am in real life. I'd make a list but that requires thought. It'd be a pretty lackadaisical list anyway, including anyone and everyone who's ever been in some kind of heated debate over soccer shoes, cycling, ron paul, UFO appearances in frescoes, etc... I think you know who you are.
  12. soupBDC


    San marcos are classic the same way sambas or chuck taylors are classic. You can't beat em, only be different. Tom Boonen's been riding a regal for years and just keeps getting the same one reupholstered. Im thinking of buying one just so I have a real saddle instead of this plastic one i got off the pista concept. Plus those big fat pointless rivets sing to me. Has anyone cut their steerer tube before? With spacers I dont think it matters how jagged and shitty a cut it is....right? I kindof want to lose the nub.
  13. If you dont like it, raise your own livestock! Here's the thing: My grandma lived in Olympia, Washington about 75 years ago, and EVERYONE bought their house out of a catalog and built it themselves. In-door toilets were "the latest and greatest" and garages were for the most part souly for adding value to the house. Chickens and rabbits were likely kept in coupes far enough away from the house that when bears came around they only ate the livestock. If you were lucky enough to live on the bay you would have a net to catch the schools of fish that would swim by. A small vegetable garden would also provide food. Most heating was natural by insulating the house to the point that some rooms were off limits in the summer. Many had wood stoves in the basement, elsewhere steam was used to heat the floor while petroleum tanks were just hitting the market. Point being it's not that far-fetched to think you could live entirely off the grid and off the land. Question is will you? Our economy didn't bounce back after the great depression because super markets were SHOVED down our throats. We picked it, as did the entire fucking planet if they're lucky enough to live by one. Houses are bigger now because people dont need open space thanks to the miracle of cutting off chicken beaks. So while you sit in your dad's 4 bed 3 bath track home overlooking... nothing... typin on your wi fi with the electric heater on blast, you can thank those beak cuttin bastards instead of trying to shame us with animal cruelty.
  14. Some1 that fucking SUCKS. Letting go of a pet you've had for nine years then abruptly having to pull the plug. Im sorry for what you're going through, dude. That's cool you're taking her on a nature walk before you put her down tho—I can't imagine anything any dog would rather be doing. Not to turn this into about me, but I had a litter of Golden Retriever/Labradors nearly all fucking die of cancer in their mid- to late-years. I wasnt close since we gave them away as puppies to families in the neighborhood but after the parents died I would go visit (I was like six or seven years old) them. Kinda sucks we neutered the border collie/short hair mix because she's the coolest looking intelligent mutant I've ever seen. Now I've got an 11 year old Weimariner and a four or five year old German Shorthair/Border Collie hybrid that are all lumpy with fatty tumors. They're happy and sort of mobile, just lumpy.
  15. I used to have a pair of those in Elementary school because real sun glasses were too expensive. /I ate cottage cheese for breakfast.
  16. Here's a serious conversation for you. Life sucks when you got a baby squeezing out your urethra. SERIOUSLY.
  17. Why the fuck are they calling her a "madam?" Is she french?
  18. soupBDC


    Oh... I've got fucktard stories. I was doing about 48 in the Grame-Obree-flying-scottish-fetus-position and not one but a fucking gang of turkeys (who previously were pleasantly chilling on the guard rail) all decided the middle of the road was where it's at. I fucking slammed on my brakes and zipped passed them but I've hated turkeys ever since. On that same ride a little later I had a yellow jacket once fly into my jersey. The fucker had to bite me three times on the side before I realized he was actually IN my jersey. I pulled to the side and flapped my jersey until he flew out. Then I had forty miles of sweat dripping into my bites. That sucked. I was in the burbs going downhill when I passed a solo parked car along a long stretch of nothing. I got a ways ahead of it until I had something hit the ground next to me and explode. Im thinking there were some highschool kids firing potatoes at me and missed. I definitely regret not turning around and beating the hell out of em. I had a woman driving a pickup and pulling a horse trailer behind her try to overtake me on a shoulderless two laned road before. There was literally no shoulder on this narrow 50 mph road to nowhere, just a fucking retaining wall and this bitch decided to merge back over wayyyy to soon and nearly squished me between the horse trailer and the retaining wall. I was on a fixed gear so I fucking slowed down as fast as I could and barely missed it. That road was the worst possible road on the planet. I cant tell you how many big gulps I saw arc over my head that day. Nearly every car on the road honked or cussed. This didnt happen to me but it's funny as hell: My friend's dad was out riding and this deer was chillin on the side of the road. The deer looked like he was gonna cross the road, then hesitated, then galloped right next to him for a brief second before deciding now was the time to cross and plowed right into him. As for city stories I havent had anything happen to me but I've known people who got clotheslined and had their bikes jacked before. So if someones standing in the middle of the street take the fucker out. I think colnagos are specifically campy-only...but Bianchis and Cervelos you can build with japanese and pakistani shit to your heart's content. If you're like me the only reason you like the sram red is because the cranks are white on one side. In which case you need the matching Frenchy frame.
  19. soupBDC


    Hahaha Because I can't fucking hustle. Window shopping's still two months out.
  20. soupBDC


    Yeah that sucks. Why do you run 650 tubulars in the city? Hah KMART, Even if I had the money for a sram red group/colnago build I still wouldn't. It would last less than a season before it was unrecognizable. My history with bikes and annual income permits me to pick from the "cute like mike tyson" selection. Used Cervelo Soloists and BMC Road Racer frames.
  21. soupBDC


    Haha, you said,"shorts." I need a new road frame as of now. My rig looks retarded.
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