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Everything posted by bruce_mrk

  1. powerwasher, bugsprayer, use a soapy rag... it'll run way longerand harder than you think if you powerwash a tag forexample , for ground tags, drip off a stick
  2. thanks for the history rustomunchies!
  3. Bugging on this old gem. Benjamin Moore utilac melon. Paper label. Metal small top. Metal nozzle insert. Pre zip code n warning so thinking the 68z is a code not a year. This came out of an art n paint store in Raleigh. The owner collected Benjamin Moore paint but not spray really. This was his only displayed spray. He wasn t letting it go. I brought him.pints from the 40 s in.perfect shape along with smaller digs. Nothing. Eight years go by fifteen twenty stops in. Dig the shelves check the basement which was molder ing piles of paint rusted in blocks. Found some 70s hammered bronze 80s krylon.vinyl spray. Talked paint a lot. One random stop in to get a marker after I moved away for good and he threw it to me. One of my favs all time.
  4. dont sleep on paecher! crazy sticker game!
  5. damn that plastikote slap on the door too
  6. yes thank you!i actually have several of these! super dope to see the sheffield versions. Lot of clears, and rheen green... wtf is a rheen
  7. i want a zine of tags @media but wait til you get my first one back! its on the way at least! sorry such a slack trader
  8. burners and bbq KILLER EVENT! thanks everyone that came out
  9. few pages of stickers, some carolina heads
  10. im down for a trade if youre doing the zine or slaps or something, i got no hard copies right now but when i getmore...
  11. yo debs lets get a trade going
  12. relm n jeks killer, redes, valet , melts, hello cackalackas
  13. one of the truest to do it, mad humble, chill to cats coming up, mad hungry after all the years in the game, RIP, gone but not forgotten
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