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Everything posted by CORPORAL-PUNISHMENT

  1. Re: ---------------- The =Mr. TOTEM= TATS Cru - 3A - TGE - 7th thread ----------- 09'-til ha-ha.. manpurse...
  2. saving this thread... PLEASE!!... my threads are always the shit and always on point!.. yall make em fail, as many of yall are extremely lame... have no humor, nor anything interesting to contribute..
  3. fatalist girl... u failed to see the humor in the title... not to be annoying nor ignorant... just simple humor.. this year has been hella fun for me.. also plenty stressful.. and this site has not been in any part a part of it... but it's cool.. i miss it.. so im here for now.. i also saw aesop rock in concert... that's right... none shall pass!
  4. and so is my short visit to this site... recall back all those glorious 12oz moments of the last 11 months.. for i have not shared in any really.. :scrambled:
  5. the only shit im hyped up to get is silent hill 5.. and resident evil 5.. no screens nor news.. lame..
  6. kid... u need to shut the fuck up already and quit postin ur garbage graffiti.. stop with the thread making.. and stop posting ur lame shit in others thread.. u aint shit!
  7. seriously dude.. fuck off.. stfu! go look for attention somewhere else..
  8. obviously it's been nothing.. ^^ as ur posts in this thread dont relate to anything and is just senseless yapping.. 2 minutes worth of reading.. i guess some cant catch up and just quit.. i know that already.. so step off.. post somewhere else..
  9. i love the thunder storms.. i prefer being outside within them then hot sunny days.. unlike missy.. i can stand the rain.. now if only i could control it.. maybe in the future..
  10. 240 something guests on in the zero.. with that said... i will no longer be a guest at all.. as i will no longer have access to the 12oz.. and /or the ch0 laughriots.. (sometimes).. :o enjoy the wave of toys.. along with some ignorance.. as they storm in like the coming of galactus.. feel free to.. /no homo each other.. when deep inside many of yall, all u hear is YES YES... keep the laughs flowing.. although some couldn't, even if they created splashes in their own kiddie pools.. keep the conspiracies alive.. it's not like many of yall can decypher em' anyways.. keep hunting for those godlike alien lifeforms.. they are out there!.. keep searching for ur innerself.. keep feeling urself.. keep a good state of mind.. and keep searching the skies.. keep graffiti alive.. and most importantly.. FuckDaFedz.. Do not forget to "Fry that Chicken!" and know that everyones time here has it's limits.. so.. holla at me!.. i'll put it on ya.. only if u want it.. i'll put it on YA!.. 1 other thing... as the summer days get longer and hotter.. after maybe 4 years or so.. the "oversized white-tee" craze in the ghetto seems to be evenmoreso popular than before.. so i ask a final question to any ch0 heads... why do most black folk and those who aren't but wish to follow do such an act.. could it be that the white cotton keeps those who are of different color cooler in the summer months... (this is true however..) maybe they wish cotton picking was back in their own life as that is what they do each time they buy their shirts at the local chinesee store.. is it because it's the "hot" thing to do in the streets.. could it be that a group of many who all share the same lame style lack any individuality.. maybe even thoughts and or feelings.. it could be the shit thats on the radio.. and out in the streets.. those who call themselves rappers.. yet couldn't wrap a sandwich.. as their skill in rhyming form is worse than their talents at jobs like burger king and popeyes.. and when they get their deal from corporate america.. they have yet to realize they are just entertainment.. a joke and a nuisance.. yet their own folk take them serious.. along with teh young kidz.. walk it out in the streetz in their white tee's.. you walk around in the ghetto all day and night.. not being constructive.. stand in front and under the camera.. all the same.. all the way.. think your slick.. and quick.. yet you cover urself in an oversized white tee blocking the one skill of blending into the night.. bitches scream to anyone or anything knowing that because they lack any sense.. at least their presence will be heard.. oh well... just human waste.. this world needs to end!.. i'll put it on ya!..
  11. i'm cool as of lately.. just trying to get my post up.. yay 5 post so far today.. just saying it how it is.. that is all..
  12. garbage.. but i love teh terminator and sarah connor both as much.. just another futile attempt from a dumb network to dumb down americans evenmoreso.. sleezy entertainment... lack of ideas and imagination.. fake people..
  13. It's the Silver Surfer animated series from the mid 90's on fox kids.. definitely dope.. so check it out.. the entire series all on youtube.. episode 1: Pt 1.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aVwYq3kt7o 2nd pt..\ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlC4kIk8lAs Episode 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPP6CIMyCOU 2nd Pt../ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNXBszBL9sA Episode 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPpQzZCMEmQ 2nd pt../ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjlTUDjAgKU check out the entire series..
  14. i also found this teh other day... in my spring cleaning.. "they just did it.. "
  15. NO!... it is only for teh elite yet disfunctional, hate on society, antisocial, low esteem and big ego type of dudes.. if u manage to be up in the game.. then your standards along with your values can either decrease or rise up above... and if you gain enough skill graffing ur name in teh streets.. then drag some other poor soul into it, and let kids in ur hood know who got shit locked.. only you have the power.. learn the rules.. pick up on the trade.. create your own shit.. keep it real.. diss toys...
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