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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. haha no its like glue sticks, once its out, its out...
  2. churches and synagogues security tips... notcie the lack of mosque security tips?
  3. wow you actually are a moron wow im blown away...
  4. i see your point of fun being the reason for doint it but is fun really worth a ten thousand dollar fine, eviction and being forced to crash in abandoned buildings or on mates floors. graffiti will do it to some people...people grow out of it for the majority those who stick with it become the eventual kings i'll stick with it no matter what, im just as much in love with graffiti as anyone here, its just that things happen which make you question why you do it. that kinda stuff been happening to me recently, i didn't mean to offend anyone much love
  5. Re: Shit The Shit Thread last year! exactly 30 days of school til my TEE.. alright... then for a week of drunkeness down south with mates
  6. i was saying that there is no point to graffiti, but i still enjoy it. it's pointless because it doesnt make us better people, sometimes worse... graffiti won't put a meal on the table or clothes on your back, unless you get comissioned work but even then that money wont last long. i think that the statement graffiti is pointless is true. why do we do it? the fame? the only we fame we can actually get is within our own limited social network, and a little attention form the boys in blue...
  7. tango 24

    Head On!

    go piss on your hands... its more fun plus it makes them callous faster
  8. those are copics, mainly used for sketching and not bombing craft stores should stock them expensive tho
  9. if you could meet one writer? it implies that you have to choose your favourite of all time... obviously
  10. where the fuck do you live??
  11. p.s john is an actual writer ever watch style wars? fuckwit
  12. those streets are fake. but i can punch you though the interweb and out of your screen... watch yourself...
  13. under the bridge main and 1st be there or be square
  14. graffiti and a life of vagrancy are too often played up in the media. i'm a pretty down to earth guy, sure, i break the law from time to time,but like you said about trainhopping, graffiti is also a lifestyle which is pretty pointless. this might be why so many people on this forum find this fascinating and your words insightful, i know that i have taken to heart some of the things you've said. i just want to say that you've also given me a bit of hope for my future, that i can turn things around. graffiti has caused a problems in my life, evictions, fines, bashings, but it's a compulsion for me like trainhopping is for you... and thanks for all the yard tips too...
  15. i diminished my stock today, stay away from butter ironlak its rank as fuck...
  16. the fact that flowpens use a lot of ink? pretty self explanatory i thought...
  17. look on supply sites to see if it says refillable or not. ive only got flowpens, and u have to be able to refill cause those mofo's use ink so damn fast!
  18. well that shows how much you know... retard
  19. kbn? what the hell does that say? no, your not.
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