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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. yes that pretty much sums it up for me the next time im in there you'll here in the news that someone went one killing spree with 2 chainsaws and bottle of sulfuric acid fuck them, fuck that club and fuck emos
  2. the dole! haha you bludger go out and blow it all on meth and then not eat til the next cheque but i hear you on the underage thing i go out with my girls little brother and his friends sometimes that boy can drink like a horse and causes fights where ever he goes its fucking great its a fine line between an 18 yo and an underage person ive seen people turned away who i was sure were 18 i swear i will never go to amplifier again and they almost turned me down at the door because of my clothes i looked at the bouncer and told him to look at the rest of the trash in the line "compared to them im practically giorgio fucking armani" the amount of dirty looks thrown at me from the weirdos was classic
  3. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread you realize you have to post those photos now i require tits on my screen ring your provider now now ok go
  4. it was just one of those descisions that you regret instantly as soon as i walked inside i wanted her every single person in that shithole little emo girls thinking they're awesome because theyre underage in a club and drinking jaeger bombs i was watching them they got blasted off 2 and kept on missing the glass i bought a jd and coke fucking bartender pured the most miniscule amount of jd i almost threw it in the bitches face i told her i wasnt paying 6 for that and told her to make it to my standards the evils she gave me were hilarious
  5. dear fly fuck the hell off its winter shouldnt you be dead already ready with the pea beau, tango
  6. wound up at amplifier even after remembering maulers warnings god that place sucks balls too many underaged emos and their overly protective jockstrap boyfriends and not to mention the vampires where the hell do these people come from? one bitch told me shed fuck me if bought her a drink i laughed in her face then her boyfriend came over and tried talking to me i wasnt having any of it the day i talk to a kid whos wearing fishnets on his arms is the day i cut my dick off with a blunt razor blade in short, i said fuck this, proceeded outside and got into a fight with some 17 year old emo/punk/whatever kid was shitfaced and i was sober bouncers didnt even care
  7. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread sometimes being in a relationship gets me down friday night going out for example tango plays wingman to all of his buddies all of tangos friends end up with a girl thanks to his masterful interceptions of potential cock blockers goes home hoping for a little something himself low and behold the woman has a headache laaaaame
  8. dear internet stop being slow you bastard yours in frustration tango
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread thank fuck you know what its worth going to paint that wall just so i can sit at work and look at it all day maybe just a throw up excellence
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread its too shit to paint if it was decent weather i would hit up my favourite spot the back of the cop shop wheeeee! fight club is a great movie does a guy flick on and off the screen in flight club? i hope so otherwise im seeing things
  11. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread i stayed home thank god ive got hot coacoa and marshmallows fuck yeah plus i have a cat sleeping on each of my feet we found the new one in the gutter poor little guy no collar and he hsant been chipped taking him to the vets tomorrow
  12. wtf is a wicket? not going out tonight body isnt ready for it its lasagna and dr who time /yesnerd
  13. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread haha be prepared to meet a beast
  14. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread uhhh my head is still pounding hit the piss hard last night im going to pop some vicodin and get some rest before going out tonight
  15. i hear you on the sun it felt good but its still a little cold theres meant to be a party on at a friends place but im not in the mood to hang out with some of his art nerd friends
  16. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread just finished latest HP book feeling all emotional it doesnt help that tears in heaven is playing softly in the background god this must be what its like to have ovaries
  17. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread fucking gold some1 i wouldve paid money to be in the room to hear that go down
  18. dear cable guy why the fuck cant you get here friday? the one day im home and you cancel? you sir, are a douchebag go fuck yourself sideways kindest wishes tango
  19. dear rain fuck off i want to get drunk on my patio tonight best wishes tango
  20. dear bank account, please magically refill yourself love tango
  21. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread i have to draw up some floor plans by thursday thats sure as hell not going to happen
  22. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread how about some water?
  23. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread its yo boy d*mite
  24. lunch at the tav argument erupts over a few beers about the colour of lasers in star wars drunken insults exchanged fists exchanged all parties evacuated from premises told not to return for the next month dumbasses guess ill be drinking with two less mates at the tav now
  25. apartments suck ass no noise after 10 always pissed me the fuck off lamez
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