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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. tango 24


    yeah it was a nice touch i reckon i fucking hate taking on big daddies crazy fuckers
  2. block of stella yay for awesome mates
  3. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread there was a cat meowing outside my window it wasnt one of mine it was pissing down i let it inside fed it and now it wont leave it hasnt got a collar i think ill go out some "found" posters tomorrow poor little tyke
  4. damn straight sin city is a dope film i finished my last 6 pack only vodka in the house i dont fuck with that, its my girls shit i might drive to the 24/7 to get some maltesers to go with the popcorn
  5. i heart beers fuck spirits right now
  6. tango 24


    bioshock ftw best fps ive ever played
  7. had 4 slabs down to a 6 pack partying with new neighbours having old friends move in next door is sweet plus they have hammocks and i can talk to them from my window while they chill in their bikinis shit is Dope son
  8. tango 24


    COD 3 on hard is awesome me and mauler were kicking it on Sl last night well he was kicking it i was too drunk to know what i was doing oh well im on now come get hyphy and such
  9. i hit the 20 mark and kind of slipped off woke up at about 5 and my back was killing me too buggered to move so i slept there
  10. last night i got totall messed up all iremember is second life with mauler something about a chick being chained up then i blacked out woke up on the floor at least the woman had put a pilllow under my head still my back is fucked
  11. this is a thread of talk of drunkeness, drinks and tomfoolery not graffitotags
  12. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread finally downloaded second life this intro shit is boring as hell i need to find the real action
  13. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread beer this weekend mucho beer on tap free on tap i love parties at surf clubs god bless all my friends turning 20/21 in the next few months i love how some of you are born on the same day yet insist on having separate piss ups go you good things
  14. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread you know whats really shit? having a drinking related tumor/lump/cancer/whatever that sucks balls havent been able to speak for about 3 days now since it got removed thank god for temazepam and oxycontin plus my internets at home are down on the upside i now have cable
  15. just got back from hospital had a lump removed from the back of my neck/tonsils biopsy results on monday praying it isnt cancer fuck cancer
  16. 10 beers at lunch bad idea going to lectures tipsy is great though the tav is such a cunt though i went at 1:10 and couldnt get a table so i sat down with some first years and challenged the boys to a drinking contest they got about 5 deep before they gave up good on them got numbers off the girls tango= mac daddy pimp of the freshmen
  17. dear inflation rates stay the fuck down you lied john howard record low interest rates my ass yours in anger, tango with a mango
  18. dear new car, you better be worth it i know that your type has had a few problems with the supercharger i dont want to go replace the entire with a regular 2.6 i like the miller cycle engine plus i cant afford to do it yours in anticipation of road head, tango
  19. haha mauler knows me well i got my rape face on in trances golden
  20. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread fuck uni sleep needed to operate selling my ps2 tomorrow and selling my sax instamoniez
  21. i prefer the term "blasted" you only say drunk? wheres the fun in that?
  22. imagine a tango 24 if you will now act upon this image and show me in picture form what twisted minds the denizens of ch.0 have draw me
  23. i didnt bother amplifier ruined my night i just went home and watched tv i might check it out next time im more of a pub.sunday session kind of guy a place i can sit down have a few and relax
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