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yinz n'at

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Everything posted by yinz n'at

  1. there are no sheetz in the city limits... id neg you but im 24d
  2. rip elliot, prayers to your family and friends... miss you bro.
  3. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** hey motherfuckers whats good?! it seems like it has been forever, good to seems some great lists. i missed a couple but will reciprocate with off kilter hopeful options! sunrise.. i painted this is some kids bedroom and got paid wonderfully for it bug/insect/spider... this is one i missed, but it is a tomato growing out of the sidewalk, im pretty positive there are some insects inside of it. self.. GO STEELERS! cereal... taking care of a mid-morning hangover IN STYLE. SHOES... had a mishap with some safety yellow jupming off a ladder on a hopper. character.. for a show sold to a local rapper whos getting big railroad x-ing... is actually to the right of this. fire... so good, birthday dinner was straight FIRE police activity... sorry, here is a cool old sign i found in a junkyard saturday something that reminds of oontz... lots of prawn talk in the post your meals thread, found this at an asian grocer 11.... 9 cubes and 2 pallettes time.... an hour marker drawing for the homey sunset... on my birthday! on an island i need this.. turners iced tea I FUCKED UP.... no perv shot but here is a painting my man arlo made of mike tyson choking his siberian tiger love yinz fools lets see some more!!!!!!!
  4. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** ill be posting this evening.
  5. putting kentacohuts on carson out of business!
  6. GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOMP WOMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YO TERRY BRADSHAW....
  8. law n order pizza pomegranite tea oontzin.
  9. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** deadline 13th right?
  10. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** i avent missed one since i started.. i got a friend to sign up for the oontz yesterday because she said the photo hunt seemed interesting and wanted to try it out
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