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yinz n'at

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Everything posted by yinz n'at

  1. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** It's been a shit show this week, my liver is paying the price... Who's doin the next list?
  2. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** im not 100 percent either, i was drunk... i guess "i like your pictures"
  3. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** dope
  4. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** bump for yinz stragglers haha
  5. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** lol... thats some ooooolllldddd shit in this alleyway... yo man you know julien from down there? if so ask her about putting pugs in cannons in pittsburgh.
  6. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** im in the midst of epic poorness, no real camera, all iphone shit with filters im fucking with... camerabag and hipstamatic shots... here we go sm... im actually not late so im pickin on you this time haha (wait for it i know your the most postin lady in here) music..weak ass drunken hipster bar dj shit, could pass as my 3 picture but not dope enough and the only live music i saw in the time period... purple... the boy mfone live painting animal awful... piss soaked porn dvds downtown three hand painted signs on an abandoned building but this is abandoned.. shoot some hoops son. something new.. homey drawing me a tattoo shadow night the devil??? haha paint.. sculpture... mr rogers t-rex ftw! pervact... me, in a bondage shop in philly, for the ladies... black and gold for the steeler nation. ch0 shit.... somewhere in pennsylvania or maybe new jersey? drunk. muah my friends!
  7. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** iou, your underscore of unstoppable doesnt do those jawns justice......
  8. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** awesome
  9. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** hey i said before i banged out half in the first day or so, then i would end up being late haha /predictingthefutureoner
  10. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** ima be a day late....
  11. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** bangin!
  12. me? im retired, the 401k aint as sweet as it seems slick.
  13. i write nahimeanyaheard if you were wondering.
  14. a police nigga wit a stick.. me and the boy driver parlayed with henry chalfant up in nyc a few years ago in his studio talking about things, it was amazing, he is from sewickley and had original flicks of the burn bad buda joint! ... lee canvases on the one wall, awesome all over.. keep painting friends, but try and get awesome i suppose shit is boring unless you know what to look for. #eastendgiants
  15. all shitty iphone flicks... see you guys soon and have a great fucking weekend
  16. I HAVENT POSTED IN THIS THREAD IN A LONG LONG TIME. to get the ball rolling again, here is some flicks from the pittsburgh gallery crawl and the subsequent hungover museum trip the next day. ill be posting more, not that anyone cares but this was always fun.... also some of yinz should rock out the photohunt thread more often
  17. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** i will then... i kind of just want to for the illustration of a tiger with people clothes on yowzaa... ill hit it up this weekend
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