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En Sabah Nur

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Everything posted by En Sabah Nur

  1. oh, i'm supposed to be doing something?
  2. minnesota? iowa? I'M ASKING BECAUSE I'M A COP
  3. uhhhhhh... oh wait this isn't brick slayers?
  4. norv turner's shitty. they should have kept schottenheimer.
  5. you obviously haven't been watching the bears offensive line
  6. sorry about the shitty formatting, i couldn't find a link for a printable version. or, i didn't look very hard. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45361508/ns/local_news-miami_fl
  7. read the comments: http://www.amazon.com/Touched-Jerry-Sandusky-Story/dp/1582613575
  8. In a mean abode on the Shankill Road Lived a man named William Bloat; And he had a wife, the curse of his life, Who continually got his goat. 'Til one day at dawn, with her nightdress on He slit her pretty throat. With a razor gash he settled her hash Oh never was crime so quick But the steady drip on the pillowslip Of her lifeblood made him sick. And the pool of gore on the bedroom floor Grew clotted and cold and thick. Now he was right glad he had done as he had As his wife lay there so still But a sudden awe of the mighty law Filled his heart with an icy chill. So to finish the fun so well begun He resolved himself to kill. He took the sheet from his wife's cold feet And twisted it into a rope And he hanged himself from the pantry shelf, 'Twas an easy end, let's hope. In the face of death with his latest breath he solemnly cursed the Pope Now the strangest turn in this whole concern Is only just beginning. He went to Hell, but his wife got well And is still alive and sinning. For the razor blade was foreign made But the sheet was Irish linen.
  9. i work graveyard shifts. i had a few before work tonight though. because they were given to me.
  10. yeah, fuck tim tebow and the broncos. it's like all this hype about aaron rodgers and how it's a quarterback league made people forget how to defend a qb that can run... and can't pass. they need to be watching old vick falcons tape, and the 2008 dolphins wildcat shit... because it's really retarded. bring the house every single time and let your secondary do their job. have a linebacker spy the tight end or screen if you really have to, otherwise just take out whoever's got the ball in the backfield, because the air attack is pretty much worthless. let them pass on you. the jets are a fucking joke and sanchez is a choke artist.
  11. 808? obama being there is actually kinda important nonnonsense. some major foreign policy / economic talks with asia going on.
  12. ^ Didn't St. Patrick used to handle pest control for them?
  13. Still inferior to Christ Puncher Oner.
  14. too bad this didn't count (illegal formation penalty), or it'd be on highlight reels for a good while: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/13/jonathan-baldwin-catch-chiefs-broncos-dawkins_n_1091370.html
  15. the part that's not possible is that anything related to the grateful dead would be awesome.
  16. that's not from a news article. it even says "countinue"
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