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En Sabah Nur

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Everything posted by En Sabah Nur

  1. who let the bike fags in this thread?
  2. palko's not really a rookie. just an idiot. chiefs defense looked really, really good. but the offense... christ. we need an offensive coordinator, and we need the gm to tell the head coach to stop trying to be the offensive coordinator.
  3. ^i don't mean to distract from the booty, but what's the deal with that lil nigga's head in the background?
  4. i don unnastan how i'm supposed to know what that dude looks like in trill life.
  5. these guys want you to design their rap necklaces.
  6. thought that just went through my brain: "nigga don't do that with snakes." real complicated evaluation.
  7. I have no idea what they're saying, but they're gettin it. I think. Desu.
  8. ^That's the attitude that's ruining the NFL. I didn't watch the game because I needed sleep (working nights) but listened to the end on the radio. This mafucka:
  9. Happy Stanksgiving stank you... smelly much...
  10. my fb status last night: "I'd rather a bar be dead than full of dumb bullshit. Same philosophy applies to individuals." i didn't even get that drunk because every bar i'd have had to wait to get a drink, but while i was waiting, i realized i didn't even want to be there, and hopped to the next bar. i basically went in a big circle and then left. i did get drunk afterwards at a girl's house til like 7 but that's a whole different story.
  11. i'm kinda pissed... i just got a message from a bar about djing. i had this place take my name down, but they said they'd have somebody call and no one ever did... but more importantly, one of the managers tried to fight me the same afternoon i tried to book it, because my homegirls that were with me wouldn't fuck him. dude is like methed out and was asking to touch their feet and shit... after we had to tell him to go away a few times, we decided to leave, and he tried to start shit on the way out... and the girls had to pull me out the door... still would like to be rocking for the drunks tonight though.
  12. google that shit nyoggle. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pepper-spray-cop-casually-pepper-spray-everything-cop
  13. yeah i dunno if he's the gunslinger the bears would want now. texans could be a good fit. but mostly just to make leinart more sad. although, if i was getting his paycheck... nevermind, backup quarterback is the greatest job in the world.
  14. i always wondered, if i killed someone, whether a jeweler would call the cops on me if i brought in a human skull and wanted him to gold plate it and put it on a big dookie rope chain. i could tell him i got it from some kind of school science department auction or something maybe.
  15. right, but none of that is gonna fit in one of these.
  16. texans are ahead of da bearss in the waiver order. orton's an excellent game manager. fuck the broncos forever.
  17. so a friend of mine just got this tattoo.
  18. fixt. gas is below $3 in my city. thanks, obama? also, undead baby: http://www.wtkr.com/news/ktla-mexico-baby-wakes-up-in-coffin,0,2785041.story ^checkout that clipart paste job.
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