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Everything posted by ADEL

  1. ADEL

    Paris Grime

    this thread has been wettin` my shorts for a while, and I don't think its stoppin anytime soon. :)
  2. ADEL

    Ici Montréal

    bump scaner, the mans shittin` style!
  3. catching up on some good old reading i see.
  4. ADEL

    Paris Grime

    more paris !!!!! :D
  5. lol. I see what you guys are saying but I would'nt mind having the quality you guys have now and then.
  6. ^^ true. but the neon colors do look nice.
  7. ADEL

    Ici Montréal

    the throwups and bombs in here are fuckin amazing. bravo to montreal.
  8. the acrylic worked fine. But yes when I made some ink w/ rusto it worked better.
  9. I know the dick blick near me has alot of good inks but I havnt tried to rack those metal tins yet. and for me putting in the highlighter shit, yes it makes a difference. It has a weird kinda "glow" flourescent thing too it. and screw-up. Go check, every comp usa and home depot are different.
  10. what do you mean flattening out the nibs?
  11. stolen from the tko thread. Did anyone get the big ass roller up w/ the giant paint can character? (i forgot who it was) if not I'll find it in the clean thread.
  12. ADEL


    MORN HARD, why are you holding a can of white and your throw is black? shoulda done a fill. :D but yeah. It would help ya to pic up some paper and a pen.
  13. I made this ink w/ acrylic paint and it was hella thinned out tho. It wes hella "solid" I guess is the word u would use. No nib lines in it or shit like that.
  14. this is what the mod said. -- ETCH is highly destructive and utterly permanent it's also a caustic chemical we are not a how-to site for this kind of shit. ETCH THREADS ARE NOT TOLERATED --
  15. where in america is that place?
  16. yeah I saw a window marker I did'nt buy it tho. It was like 6$ I think I had had 3 and I wanted a reeses. -- anways in the inventory thread some guy's got crazy ass colors. For this do you need the base paint the color you want or can you buy dyes? What I am planing on doing is just ----- rusto-paint thinner mix 2 highliters(the ink) dot 3 brake fluid. ------ I like the mix. but thats all I've ever tried.
  17. woah that purple is fuckin sick.
  18. here is both of yours onone page. They where just quick freestyles w/out sketches so I'll probably get you guys some better ones up later tonight. peace. ===== =====
  19. allright I'll get the freak and saroe ones up soon. I'll prolly jst do black and white cuz my scaanners shit at colors but we'll see.
  20. is it just black and white or you colors? nice stash either way.
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