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Everything posted by ADEL

  1. lol that fuckin rools newkoncept.
  2. lol, dude I buy my shit and it's gone before the next sunrise cuz. I don't rack cuz I don't need anymore on my record.
  3. lol, it's all good. no beef, I hav'nt hitten any trains so I dont know, just walls lol. no more "ebeef" lol. You got pics of your trains? when I get a camera I'll put up somma my pics. lol
  4. lol, wtf? I been writing for longer than a year dumbass, I use the sharpies for fuckin` bathrooms in taco bell vato, and I don't need no muther fuckin fatcap on a window I'll fuck that shit up with whatevr the fuck I wan, rock, etch, sharpie, paint who gives a shit. And also I have never even seen one of his fuckin trains. so both of you can shut the fuck up. that shit between me and doemdirty doesnt even matter it's fuckin internet beef, lol. notice the pink dots also you dumb fuck.
  5. It won't let me edit that one again yet so go here --ShitTalkThread-- and lets hear what you have to say.
  6. why go to sleep it's not even lunch time where i live lol. Why don't you go to sleep. as a mater of fact I am splashing my ink places, I am going to write graffiti tonight when everyone else is going to go to slepp. lol, If I had ETCH I would fuckin` use it, u fuckin` buttplug. And who the fuck are you calling a newjack? Look at your own tag. now Go make a thread in somewhere we are aloud to talk shit. or Message and as I said earlier I will tell your ass of one mo time. *you know what fuck you dude just shut the fuck up. your wrong because you tried selling your shit on here, got banned, and then came back to bitch about it. so Good Day to you. I'm tired of your bitch ass.
  7. why go to sleep it's not even lunch time where i love lol. Why don't you go to sleep. as a metter of fact I am splashing my ink places, I am going to write graffiti tonight when everyone else is going to go to slepp. lol, If I had ETCH I would fuckin` use it you fuckin` buttplug. And who the fuck are you calling a newjack? Look at your own tag. now Go make a thread in somewhere we are aloud to talk shit. or Message and as I said earlier I will tell your ass of one mo time.
  8. lol, dude, I use my sharpies on glass, streaker for whatever the fuck and I splash my ink wherever the fuck I want. If I had a camera I'd show you one of my tags. I'm gonna quit fuckin up this thread with shit talk. and bro turn of your CAPS lock. lol
  9. lol your a fuckin dumbass, think before you open your fuckin trap. Heres how it goes- the testor's where for free and I used them same as fuckin montana mini cans, I got the 5 walmart cans for 1 dollar from a homie who doesnt want them, And I bought the kilz to see if it was anygood. If you noticed I had som rusto's also mr. smartass. -post something other than your fucking ink and shitty tags my friend. I'm tired of talkin shit with you so PM me if you wanna get your ass told again. peace.
  10. what bitch, I already posted it on the last page, so theres my sharpie collection fuck nut. Lets see yours. oh and bytheway how about you suck my dick and lick my balls. Asswipe.
  11. bump ryke. keepin it real.
  12. You don't need a fuckin` warning. your going thru every fuckin thread postin shit like buy my ink. You don't sell shit in a thread for pictures. And why are you posting your tags this is the inventory thread. P.S. you dont need a warning. Your the only head I've seen in here promoting nonstop other than "googleoner" lol. So quit bitchin` "dirtyshaun" and shut the fuck up.
  13. ok lol, there is the cap and then the little tube that goes into the can- that is a male system. (It's the caps dick.) Now on the female caps they don't have this it is just a hole(the pussay.) and the can has the little tube built into the top. Just pull the cap off an axe can. Female caps don't work on normal cans like krylon and male caps don't work on the cans for female caps. -This is the inventory thread so ask this in the cap thread also, thanks.:D
  14. See how the caps have the stem on the bottom-- -Femaile caps dont have a stem, they work the oppisite the cans have a stem and you put the cap on the can's stem. lol, that sounds confusing. Axe cans have female caps or most cleaning stuff has female caps like lysol.
  15. Nice inventory are the blue dots fats? and lotsa fun times w/ that silver and black except i just get the 99 cent silvers. I got a can of rusto to see and it was like fuckin see through I was pissed cuz I had to switch back to the good old walmarts. lol. Those sharpies are for sketches right? lol. I got a couple assorted caps dunno the names but I'll write wwhat they do lol. -a skinny that shoots out like a fireextinguisher tag. -some weird fatcap that sprays out like a mist - shit load of females but don't have femalee cans at the moment. Axe cap, Lysol cap, Lysol Bubbly stuff cap(yeah), lol a whole bunch. Anuone cop the new kilz shit?, I hav'nt used it yet cuz it cost more than rusto and krylon but I used the old kilz primer white stuff for bombs, shows up real nice.
  16. Is Loaf from detroit cuz there is some dude who writes loaf in las vegas and has exactly the same peices, mabe just visiting, lol. peace.
  17. ADEL

    Paris Grime

    lol quote'n this shit, BUMP
  18. buy a prismacolor colorless blender, or I think thats what they are called, then you'll get some sick blends. :D
  19. Re: Crushed Trucks These count?, all stolen- all askew. Mabe I'll find some more for later's, peace.
  20. lol is that a canvas? or a box top cuz you gut the throws on side. still fresh tho and clean.
  21. lol, i don't have a camera but I'll type what I gots lol. 6 cans of belton assorted colors, 4 cans walmart silver 3 krylon black 1 krylon white 4 testors cans 5 rusto's assorted 1 walmart flat black 1 kilz flat black. Assorted colors of the chisel tip sharpies 2 professional sharpies (chisel) red homemade streaker homemade ink (made with dick blicks mars black, fuckin owns) 8 pink dots 10 grey dots 3 NY fats as many stocks as however many cans is up there. I got empty cans and I'm starting to collect atleast want to lol. shitload of empty cans (savin` em to make a sculpture, itt'll be bitchin) 1 1990 Krylon Purple 2 1984 White 1 1991 krylon black thats all lol.:lol:
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