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Everything posted by little_motha_fuckin_beans

  1. i dont know why everyones knockin the new satin cans.. i find them actually good for fills and fades
  2. no,prettty much everyone hates these clown cars
  3. rainbow 6 vegas, and friday night fights round 3 are the ones im hooked on i made MJ see :) :(
  4. miss talkin to you tony. rip patna -Hepos 666
  5. fuck.. someone finally cought on.. looks like i gotta change my user name, and bite someone else.... again :huh:
  6. thanks :) heres the one for kill or die. hot off the press
  7. is that Parasyt? Some new stuff in the book ^Canvas one of two for KillOrDie :mexican: Still in progress ^kinda old It also glows in the dark :) thats about it for now.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=170047879873&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=007 its on ebay.. $20 starting bid. EastBayPirateHouse I dont believe youuuuu!!!
  9. Re: lately i've been drinking like a mexican... Nazi lowriders?
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