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Everything posted by SouEstou

  1. -As the only representative of the black race on 12oz and an expert on race identification, Kanye IS in fact a black man. -The album IS in fact hot/half hot/partially hot. However you feel, the presence of heat is undeniable -No one really cares for Kanye the person. He is Teddy Ruxpin as far as I am concerned. -You lames need to stop trying to tell others what is and what isnt hiphop. Thank you and Godbless.
  2. I thought this was about the dance...
  3. Wow...02?03? That feels like about 15 yrs ago. I remember when I first came to Channel Zero and I saw that Mr. President was the last person that posted in just about every thread. I thought something like, "that nigga must be in the bubble"....only to find out it was the exact opposite and everyone hated him.
  4. Wow no one knows who Amy Winehouse is. Her album is the truth. Shes very talented. A shame shes so....
  5. This was brought up when I was in Highschool in Ga a few years ago. Most of the school (rednecks) were passionately supportive if this law. Like...white doods there were really angry about how some men choose to wear their pants.
  6. Mr. Brooks---Good Yeah...lonely at a different school...bootleg movies are my only friends =(.
  7. the drawing cocks part was hilarious. ...but the funniest part was when the cop hit that kid in the face. I dont know why because I usually dont laugh at shit like that.....but I had to rewind it like three times. Im still dying just thinking about it.
  8. The Invasion---Shit was wild. Enjoyed SuperBad- Really funny...the cops especially. Enjoyed. 28 Weeks Later--Eye gouging. Also Enjoyed.
  9. Some kids are just bad as fuck...black or white...ass whippins or not My little cousin is the fucking devil. I had to watch her when I was like 15 one day and ended up slappin her around like a grown ass woman on a BUS....in L.A.....midday...crowded as hell. I couldnt help it, she dug her nails into my face for no damn reason. We both went home with our faces bleeding that day. Later that night she knocked over the printer and her mom slapped the hell out of her. Shes just bad as hell with a higher tolerance for pain. My parents used rulers, leather belts, hangers, hands, and cords. I never had to get a switch off the tree like all my friends did.
  10. Exactly how I felt. ....haha, but I do think of it whenever someone says "car accident" Souest/Likes men
  11. Yeah because to the rest of us..UNK and Soulja Boy are a way of fuckin life! We dont just do the Roosevelt we eat, sleep and breathe the Roosevelt. But, gee, if you wanna make a difference and jump on the "we will overcome" train...divert your attention elsewhere and let the children have their fun. Shitty music isnt putting shackles on peoples feet...just like Common isnt gonna send anyone to college.
  12. Re: The Epitome of Southern nigga accents. Rap music taken wayy too seriously on this site as usual. My 12oz habit is almost broken! Ya bitch Ya.
  13. hahaha All I remember is all the good characters dying...and a homosexual receiving the autobot matrix.
  14. Ughhh This thread makes graffito seem so much more homo than it already is. This is a diff look for 12oz. Now I feel all umcomfortable...like im somewhere I really shouldnt be.
  15. about two horas ago on bootleg ehhh, I cant tell any of the 3 movies apart foreal.
  16. The Number 23 was tired.....that shit felt like a joke that took itself way too seriously. The acting wasnt convincing. Not even bootleg status. I also think Audition is horribly overrated. Suicide Club aint up there either.
  17. I didnt laugh.... the part where they were in the robes was funny tho I guess. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAzkKUPaVlA The beat is wild, and Stronger grew on me too
  18. He doesnt look crazy to me...just a little stupid. I dont know anything about Iota Phi Theta ....if he was Omega Psi Phi, on the other hand...THOSE niggas are crazy.
  19. There is nothing wrong with you for real. Depression finds everyone eventually. EVERYONE. Your symptoms are normal. Stay positive. Be very social or write your thoughts down-- the more you share your thoughts, the less time you spend doing laps in your head. Exercise everyday You might wanna try to do something creative----It feels good afterwards. Sunshine. Spend time outside. You could go see someone about it...they're just gonna tell you the same shit and try to put you on meds. Pills arent always necessary. Dont listen to sad music. Thats just fucking dramatic. Al Green doesnt understand you, that nigga just makes shit worse.
  20. Ahahahah....Ive got all the vagina I need for an entire lifetime....just one.
  21. Damn yall got low standards Those two girls are fat. The first one is ugly...even in her so called good picture where she's got the Joker face And dont even act like yall never seen a fat Mexican woman.
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