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De sign

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Everything posted by De sign

  1. have a bbq man. there always good. then go dance n graf. wait. thats my life cycle. + maken teh $$$$
  2. yea, i have a mate who has to go to abotwars and never eats meat for a while after. i diddent read the thread. i seen a dela soul album though.
  3. she is so fkn hot. MOAR PLZ!
  4. No more naked pics of YOUR girl... Digi Much? like it isnt a pr0n ''revolution''.
  5. gms - emergency broadcast system\01 - gms - emergency broadcast system - rounders.mp3
  6. reality called... your a scumbag. Official
  7. Re: SUDDZ i figured that shit out in my younger days. i also tryed coffee. (FAIL) but someothers worked a treat chrome paint texta was best. i guess its "KRINK" haha being a kid was fun
  8. Re: SUDDZ recipe for krink? get a can of chrome. get a icecream bucket. spray whole can in icecreambucket. put gladwrap ova top. pop holes in gladwrap. sit for a few hours (till pressure in paint goes) peel off top layer of dryish paint. pour all da chrome paint in to a flowpen (pump one) add some plumweld. done. Fuckin n00bs.
  9. god. your such a uni student.
  10. man, damm. i work freelance too. but yea. all clients are more in my "circle". fuck that dude off. seriously. get the money. charge extra be a cunt and fuck his bitch. (break the bed) wordup1er.
  11. yea true. listen to some oontz mang. i recomend for a grin. I FUCK YOUR MUMMA EHH? PUTA MADRE! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fylky64mXJA BRAINCRACKIN! (leet bass) COLORS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95nFRlwA-TY the first two make me grin. (MAKE THE SOUNDS LOUD AND HAVE A SUBWOOFER) otherwise it just no full effect. cheer up ya goose.
  12. oh and i dont meen to sound like a cunt. depressions a nogooder.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdYWjkznikA&feature=user "JUST CELEBRATE!"
  14. u cats needa hold on to your cocks right. save it for the weekend. stack chips all week. buy a house. (WHERE THE FUCK EVER) then do what the fuck u feel like.
  15. theo on the tunes =] catchy jungle. got that RZA - rhumba?
  16. totally YEAH! im going like str8 edge now. im gona get tattoos that show the world how "str8 edge" i am. cos i HAVE to show the world how cool i am! thats what im going to do. im never going to expand my consciousness due to fear of discovery. im going to watch tv. im going to be a coffee shop revolutionist. YEAH MAN TOTALLY.
  17. and bump for the dance and graf! Its a rave dave.
  18. glad the only drugs i take are all "normal" drugs. none of this pharmaceutical shit. just go with the thc/lsd/xtc/2cb/mda. and yeah. you will have your life back together in no time. AAAND YOU CAN TAKE THEM ALL AT ONCE FOR UBER1337TIME.
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