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Everything posted by GeeWhy-ish

  1. This kid was trying to break into some storeage units in Houston. The Mayor and Police Chief have been hiding this video for almost a year now.
  2. You should be able to transfer them from your old phone by cord or bluetooth. And sync with gmail, I would of taken it back. one by one is a bitch
  3. the homies! anybody see them with Slag this past year. Love me some Japanese hardcore. But no Dystopia? some of the sickest hand styles in the liners
  4. Tango, good for late night drunk video calls
  5. GeeWhy-ish


    ^^^yea picked it up, goodies
  6. GeeWhy-ish


    straight baller, had to get a new video card though. Anyone tried the new GoldenEye for wii?
  7. http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/414/right-to-remain-silent http://www.villagevoice.com/2010-05-04/news/the-nypd-tapes-inside-bed-stuy-s-81st-precinct/ Adrian Schoolcraft has tapes of cops saying are kinds of shit.
  8. a shot of the whole cars from flickr "i caught that shit yesterday. the workers must love full cars cause they always line up atleast 2 or 3 together. usually its kem/ges."
  9. hate to ruin your day but 99% of chicks at these events don't look like this. But if you see a big circle of nerds, they found that one
  10. love coming in here and seeing new stuff!
  11. did Sacred sketch this?
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