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Posts posted by metronome

  1. ehhhh those Karen Miller are ok, but you should also read her other trilogy, Empress being the first book title. Much better imho.


    yeah I finished the awakened mage tonight at work and really I only finished it because I started it. Don't know if I'll bother reading that other trilogy of hers.

  2. World War Z was def interesting. A good read. The interview with the grown woman who remained a child mentally was pretty chilling...


    currently reading A Game of Thrones, going to plow my way through those 4.

    also reading Karen Miller - The Awakened Mage


    fantasy fluff for the moment.

  3. I totally forgot about that motherfucker - he was like my arch nemesis in the early years.



    Anyone know what happened to Fantom? He had this asian wifey who hit me up and dropped me his contact info once but I was kind of fucked up in the game at that point in time and probably nodded out before completely forgetting about it. He was in the Army or Marines last I talked to him - was going to send him some CDs full of teh hiphopsz but... :(


    He popped in once not too long ago and posted a bit in the night owls thread

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