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Posts posted by metronome

  1. wait, what...


    i think maybe you mean...plank?


    because when i think of planche think this...planche3.jpg



    and when i google "planche routine" all i get is stuff about how to get in good enough shape to do planches or planche push ups




    i had my planche on lock in HS and could crank out a grip of tucked planche push-ups



    i'm trying to get back to that and then take it to the next level



    Yeah I was a little vague here.

    what I'm talking about is a routine alternating between a forearm planche (plank? I dunno I've always called em planche...) leaning on either side and the push up style one with your toes still on the ground.




    and these


    done on left side and right side


    I try and do each exercise for 45 seconds or so, two or three reps each


    hmmm not sure why my images don't show up, but my work blocks google image search ... scheisse

  2. And Metronome dude that song's the shit! Makes me feel like a damsel in distress is calling out for me and I'm like "Yea hold on baby, I'm on my way but first I gotta get my swoll on". Bump it like you mean and you'll see wsup.[/color]


    after I read your post I had her voice stuck in my head all afternoon at work, not gonna lie


    PD imo the most brutal core workout for obliques/abs is a planche routine. side-front-side. as for the lower back muscles ... deadlifts pwn.

  3. So, reps until failure with light weights?

    Why not do the same with heavy weights and save time?

    I don't get what they have discovered.


    I think the point is a lot of people who go the heavy weight until fatigue have a higher potential of hurting themselves

  4. achilles just decided to pull a "fuck you im done with this shit" a few days ago. ive been icing it for 15 minutes before bed every day, but thats it. also, ive still been running on it, quitting running isnt an option.


    anything else i can do for an inflamed achilles tendon?



    Yeah, not run on it <shakes head>

    It won't heal unless you give it time...


    Oh, and if you tear it because you're running on it while its inflamed, be prepared to be able to do nothing for a long fuckin time.

  5. oh, and this is the corniest shit in my life. why would you have any inclination that A- you could even ever see the faces on your cell phone pic bookshelf anyways and B- pigs would even care.




    who are you, apart from a 75 year oid grandmother who has 1259872742987349 family members on year round display.


    shits ghey.


    Those are family pics and a lot of them are of my girls dead mother that I didn't want to share with you mugs, so fuck yourself. Instead of spending all day posting on 12oz try reading a book.

    • Like 1
  6. awesome topic you guys are on...



    lemme throw this out there, maybe we can have a civil conversation and gain some knowledge.

    try to delve maybe into the mental side of what were doing.

    whats your reason?

    nh but us as men, i know the testosterone is why we want to be bigger stronger etc, why we (men) are doing what we do and for what reasons.


    Specifically what is yours though?



    ima leave that link, if atleast a couple of you are willing to have a real sit down, im willing to type my heart out.

    this is a topic i think hits real close to home, survival of the fittest is in our instincts.

    embrace that shit.




    I don't want to hit 40 and be all 'what the fuck happened?'

    I'm in my mid 20's

    Best to keep on top of shit and stay in shape, both cardiovascularly and in terms of strength

    Also I work in a career that is physically and mentally demanding, so being in shape makes my work life easier in that regard as well

    • Like 1
  7. Maybe he works there, so it would be his store of employment.

    Anyways why call him out?


    This thread is about hats, go troll somewhere else.



    you should try and buy some designer jackets from him :rolleyes:


    BOATS how many hats you own ?

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