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Posts posted by metronome

  1. AOD.. whats your opinion of squats on the smith machine?


    smith machine gives you perfect form, as long as you compensate for the bar having zero weight do your squats on the smith. then once you are comfortable with your form try it with the regular 45lb bar in front of a mirror.

  2. We didn't split on a power rod machine, we split on the dumbbells that adjust from 10lbs to 95lbs.

    My old man bought the OG bowflex and it was nice to work out on I just hated having to change the machine around to switch what I was working out all the time.

    But with this selectable dumbbell system I'm thinking of just switching to a full body workout 3 times a week with cardio in between instead of doing the split up workouts like I've been doing.

    I'm not trying to be jacked, just nice and in shape


    edit: angel, I wasn't counting cardio into the 2 hours, should have mentioned that

  3. Me and my brother just decided to split the bowflex 1090 selectech dumb bells + 5 point bench.

    Once it shows up and I use them I'll review...

    working out at home > going to the gym.


    oh, and ^, two hours in the gym is too long. Longest you should be in there is 90 mins, tops.

  4. my workout looks like this...


    day 1 - legs/shoulders

    squat super sett'd with barbell front shoulder raises. squats is 5x8, everything else is 3x12

    calf raises super sett'd with dumbell shoulder press

    quad again either leg press or seated raise super sett'd with upright rows

    hamstring curls super sett'd with rear deltoid lats


    day 2 - chest/tricep

    dumbell chest press super sett'd with bench assisted dips

    incline dumbell chest press super sett'd with cable pulldowns

    skullcrushers super sett'd with dumbell pullovers

    dumbell chest fly's


    day 3 - back/bicep

    seated lat rows with standing barbell curl

    lat pull downs with seated preacher curl

    lower back extensions

    seated pulldowns w/ machine

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