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Posts posted by metronome

  1. about 4 years back i had this sick black label.. cant really remember how it looked (partying, lots of decks, all that affect memory haha) but i remember it was like an army guy maybe? fuck. lemme go look it up, it was pretty sick graphic


    that is the deck I'm riding right now, it's a skeleton soldier or something, I posted it a bunch of pages back

  2. Sorry to bore you with tales of my ex metronome.

    I used this forum as a cathartic place to vent of how fucked up she used to make me feel. I even had a dream of her last night, I think it is because I am just bored and have WAY too much time on my hands at the moment. But I am over the stupid bitch, she can fuck up her life for all I care, she missed her chance. She fucked with my head, but at the end of the day, I can fuck her head up even moreso. What Dog C posted in the other thread ain't shit on what I have on my ex, but I won't post it on here, as I am not feeling that vindictive (nor am I usually).


    dude, all I'm saying is if you were over her you wouldn't be posting stuff like this on the internet. especially after what, over a year seperated?


    yeah dude, really sounds like you're over her.

  3. the point I was trying to make was I see a lot of posts by you (and mauler, but not so much anymore) about ex gf's. ex's are ex's for a reason, get over it G. and by the context of some of your other posts, it didn't sound like you broke up with her and "broke her heart".

    maybe where you're from is small or something, but when I have a break up with a girl the last thing I do is hang around her or her friends.

  4. I wne tot a party tonight my ex's boyfriend, the kid I beat ypui about a montha go, was at...I'm makin li;l comments to him the whole time and he's sayin NOTHING, but one of his boys ended up feelin brave so I ebgat the fuck outta him in the middle of a absement FULL of his boys


    Team Al;co repsaresent!


    he might not have said shit, but the fact remains, he's hittin skins with your ex while you're posting about it on a message board

  5. anybody who attempts to arrest a 13 year old for skateboarding clearly has a chemical imbalance, even if there is signage posted that says no-skateboarding.


    edit: nevermind the fact it was a girl, and he choked her out... that is fucked.

  6. I'll be workin til midnight tonight, watch it when I get out...hiyoooooooo


    I'll just be finishing up a 12 hour shift myself. Girlfriend gets back after a week away to boot, so its sopranos and then booty... hiyooooooooo


    the way I see this happening is ...... everyone dies

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