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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. now you know why i don't bother to come in here. 30 new posts of bullshit cuz you lost a flick of an ass
  2. this thread gets sop many posts it's very difficult for me to keep up with it i have all of brickslayers to deal with i can't babysit every thread. there were mug shots about 5 pages back. i don't know who the fuck it is and i don't have time to find out. but it shouldn't be in here. a graf flick thread. if someone sees some problem, PM me.
  3. everything in the last few pages that wasn't graf got deleted when the thread goes nuts with names faces and arguing it's much easier to just do that. if it stays relaxed in here no more shit will get deleted but if people start arguing and going nuts posting names and shit then lots of posts get deleted or the thread gets closed. everyone just calm the fuck down.
  4. the thread is for nyc graf flicks not whatever you can think of.
  5. gatdamn i just had to delete so much talk from the nyc thread sad to see some people lowering themselves to arguing with people on the net.
  6. posting names, faces, court cases, private flicks, is prohibited. please. can we tone it down in here? the thread will be closed if some of you don't use private messaging instead. thanks.
  7. bonsai are very difficult to keep alive. i don't even think a book would help me. i hated the sun also rises. seemed like a bunch of high-falutin flakes in that novel. all tormented by their own superficiality. yawn. it was tough to finish even though it was the size of a pamphlet.. in my opinion, The Great Gatsby slays literature from that era. they are also really obviously written around the same time even though they are set on different continents. i dunno what to read next. almost done with the h.potters and damn that kid is whiney.
  8. deleting spam bout to do an experiment
  9. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! word. i'm not a huge fan of 'little shit' for that cocoa cutie. ha damn. everyone has some cute pups.
  10. :haha: done with pizza? i give it a week, tops.
  11. ..and wondering if there are any weekdays massgraf doesn't cop pizza.
  12. thinking how i want to celebrate the fact that jack was here when i called out "FIRE" and we put the blaze out before the lab burnt down. seriously, crazy day at work.
  13. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear buddy belts you are excellent but too expensive !@#$%
  14. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear puppy people they are gorgeous! i'm only a little bit jealous because puppies are SO MUCH WORK and damn SM, 2?!?! good luck with that, you have a grueling year ahead of you if dog ownership has taught me anything, well, it's taught me a few things.. dogs are simply awesome. the best companions if they are exercised enough, they will be well behaved. if they are trained properly, bad behavior can always be traced back to a lack of exercise. have fun and keep posting pics, i wanna see your pets or team dog lovers XOXO !@#$%
  15. haha sweet. i can't wait for this damn cDNA to finish transcribing so i can gtfo
  16. this is hilarious. brewster, you're so damn racist i think you should get your post tattooed on your forehead, just let everyone know.
  17. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    injury, i was on a bike. i came down the road (ice-free) and came around the corner, and literally the ENTIRE road was a sheet of ice because of a leaky water pipe and an incline. i tried to slow down in time and couldn't, i only had about 2 feet, then the bike went out from under me. it wasn't bad. i didn't rip any clothes and only got a bloody knuckle. !@#$%
  18. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    cG, 392? is that a page number reference? i have 40 posts per page so that is always screwing me up when people say 'this page is great' or sumpin. anyway, big deal or no, it's never a problem. !@#$% dear snow thanks. we got lambasted last year so i can't say i'm sorry we missed any of this however, your melty alter-ego, ice, got me good this morning. !@#$% dear mubarak just gtfo !@#$% dear egypt thanks for the social unrest. the facility isn't being built until next week so i don;t have tons of work and you're really doing a fine job of keeping my boss occupied 24/7. democracy for you, now, ish'allah !@#$%
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