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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. no homo? how much more hetero could that be? wokka. audi 5 trillion. lull
  2. i had the falcon myself and of course knew who The Misfits (with Danzig on vocals) were when I watched Gem. I knew shit was corny even then. still cannot fuck with the wolf pack snaps.
  3. word. i work with a buncha foreigners so i no longer remember which hand americans use.
  4. doing said RNA extraction digesting DNA. 15 minute benchtop incubation
  5. passing the time til scheduled RNA extraction.
  6. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear SM i was talking to my man last night about how impossible it must be for deaf and blind people and how much respect i have for people who have to endure that disability i wish i could give you the cash. i wish our health care system took care of stuff like that best wishes to you. !@#$%
  7. aww look, we got umad up to like 89.9%. lullz. gen knows how to take it in stride. take note. wokka.
  8. TT offered to buy me assless chaps once. /jk
  9. she's not around much today though. yeah, i guess i am being mean. it gets a little old being nice to the noobs in the yard, babysitting threads in bslayers and banning spambots.. oh well.
  10. muthafuckin rocky dennis he's way better looking than her. :haha:
  11. i hate that hey make you cut out all your drawstrings in jail but i think he's in far more trouble sporting that tattoo
  12. is it possible for that guy to look any more bored? geebus. someone get him a beer or sumpin! :crying:
  13. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dearest laughs i wouldn't go to an ex's wedding seems too awkward, when you add in all the alcohol. i have however, attended an ex's funeral. !@#$% dear glued-to-toilet-seat-story should i start a thread about you? !@#$%
  14. damn serum that is gross and awesome.
  15. but i think the best part of all this is we don't need to go to her. she came to us. anyway we all have better shit to do. she's in enough vids, should more than satisfy anyone's desire to watch her. .. now it's all about the photochops.
  16. i'ma have nightmares about it k thx lull geez. welcome back. you picked an epic moment. i guess.
  17. ^srsly. a lifetime of seeing mom in your mind whilst.....
  18. fyi mods have no power over the amount of rep people can spread. sowwy. hmm, has this thread blown it's load? possibly.
  19. but you need this. gopd publicity an shit. for your fledgling career as a cock vacuum
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