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12oz Original
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Everything posted by !@#$%

  1. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear dumb people damn. there are a lot of you !@#$%
  2. dogs are so awesome lately i've been considering trying to do rescues. we're fostering one next month i think
  3. that randy savage tattoo is pretty munnee also, that guy isn't even a little bit attractive to me, to each their own .truer words rarely spoken
  4. sad about all the dead dogs. too hot today.
  5. really. so adorable. ....................... hey dog lovers, NYC animal control is a deplorable shelter. please sign. please please please. http://apps.facebook.com/petitions/1/reform-the-nyc-acc-now/
  6. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear NYC ACC you kill so many goddamn good, healthy dogs every day i think you actually enjoy it i hope your so-called 'shelter' burns to the fucking ground and all of your employees suffer til death then burn in hell for eternity !@#$%
  7. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    SMdubs yes, please, i'd love it! i'm considering whether to tell him unless he wants to pay me for the legal bills i incurred when he caused me to be arrested, to never talk to me again but it would be even better if he got stabbed in the face. !@#$%
  8. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear pathetic moron leave me the fuuuuck alone. i won't even admit that we may have once been dating. you disgust me. your idle threats about taking out my graffiti make me laugh btw, there is no way on earth someone as weak as yourself has the strength to track my shit down. get a fucking life, and stop emailing me and texting me about how i'm about to have problems. lil bitch. !@#$%
  9. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear grd, devastating. i hope he has a great recovery unfortunately that event can result in an incredibly wide variety of outcomes, so i hope he regains full function right away. good luck to you and your family. i've known some people who have suffered this and sadly you might have a very long road ahead of you. please PM me if there's anything i can do. !@#$%
  10. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    grd, yeah i think they are still good. it is incredibly unlikely you'd have any adverse reaction if you've taken them all before and not had an issue. !@#$%
  11. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    grd, most drugs will stay good for a long time past posted expiry date. exceptions might be insulin and antibiotics (which you should always take all of anyway.) pain killers for example, will prolly still work after the next ice age !@#$%
  12. nice! bring on the flicks! :bday:
  13. yeah, haven't done one of these in awhile um, happy birthday, tinkerbell
  14. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear internet you really truly still amaze the fuck out of me sometimes. thank you so much for being the source of solutions to not one, but TWO incredibly fucking frustrating and incomprehensible problems.. weird shit that thankfully, someone out there had figured out for me and gloriously, graciously, posted on the internet in details i could understand. i'll never be able to thank these people personally, so damn.. mad props for helping to boost my faith in humanity. with :heartbeat: !@#$%
  15. you are a colossal moron. how fucking clueless can you be? honestly. take a time out from the board and think on why you have so many negs. it's been posted before, and what i meant was DO NOT POST IT AGAIN exactly. wearestupidati doesn't seem to comprehend that a pig can see what's posted on here, and thus, someone might not want it posted. graffiti isn't all about the internet.
  16. volunschmeering. boring this evening. one call about dropping off donations prolly just jinxed the fuck outta my night hangin with Cracked A later. yup. kewl.
  17. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    RU in the beginning, hahaa.. it was friends/good contacts of the creator then as the team needed to be built up, the original team of mods suggested new ones based on their activity on the board. nominated peeps accepted, and that was it. i think after that, we've added just a couple new ones where raven saw fit but the team hasn't changed much, only slimmed down as people moved on or whatever.. i have to admit, most of the time someone knew someone.. only been a few fresh faces, mainly a trust issue. !@#$%
  18. it doesn't belong on here. sensitive shit will sometimes be deleted on request. so.. NO REPOSTS thanks.
  19. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear morton its not about believing in astrology. i'm not a big believer in anything except science. i don't need mythical bullshit i find pattern observation and analysis tremendously interesting, and that's what it's about, NOT about going to miss cleo to ask about my future because i was born in august. really, don't be condescending about my enjoyment of identifying common archetypes in life. it's just astrology has found a really good descriptive way of defining a time in life that many people experience i kinda wish i hadn't deleted the thread. a few of us were sharing very similar tribulations and pontifications and it was very cathartic to type them and relate to each other during a lot of upheaval for all of us. one of my ex's moms is an astrologer professionally, she did my birth chart and recorded over an hour of audio talking about it. i listened to it when she gave it to me and totally blew it off. i listened to it again many years later and found that i'd fulfilled some of the things she'd said about my personal development. at the least, this stuff piques my curiosity, at most, it's about metaphysics. !@#$%
  20. !@#$%

    Dear ________,

    dear SMdXL ok, it is astrology, and even if you don't believe in that bullshit even a little.. from wikipedia.. The first Saturn return is most significant because it represents the first test of character and the structures a person has built his life upon. According to traditions, should these structures be unsound, or if a person is living out of touch with his true values, the Saturn return will be a time of upheaval and limitations as Saturn forces him to jettison old concepts and worn out patterns of living. It is not uncommon for relationships and jobs to end during this time of life restructuring and revaluation. But the Saturn return is not all about painful endings. During this time astrologers note that goals are consolidated and people tend to gain a better vision of where they are going in life. There are added responsibilities and a person may reap the rewards from his hard work. Many major life milestones seem to happen around the ages of 29 and 30. it's just a very obvious thing that happens to people.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_return dear laughs i'm a little bummed about the macho man makes me feel my age too oh well, glad you had a good night creme brulee is pretty good, i like the lil torches. dear world stop. rapture time !@#$%
  21. thinkin back on bein a baby, watchin macho man 'wrestle' time flies.
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