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Tuff Tone

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Everything posted by Tuff Tone

  1. they do this type shit in Detroit also, probably every major city
  2. i cant believe this jack ass spilled the gray goose this tattoo fucking sucks id be pist if that was my dead wife sad
  3. Re: Yes officer, I understand... but i talked to him the right way, he told me to slow it down, and have a nice day jeezy dont get cought
  4. i say 2012, so we got 4 more years to party
  5. I saw a HARSH billboard in a Spike Lee movie, when the Levees Broke, pretty sure it was a roller
  6. damn the train station looks fresh
  7. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Question: how do i get one of these things from a web site and post it in here?
  8. speaking of faygo, im thirsty as fuck whats your favorite flavor? RED
  9. yeah, I was thinking the same thing oh yeah its my 600th post, fucking awesome
  10. i used to write KEWL when i was in 9 grade, i got if off some mtv show they had i think back in 95 96 i think, where they would show a video and people would talk and everything would scroll at the botttom of the screen, and kewl was one of the words
  11. anybody know whats the deal with DIBS?
  12. found in metal heads, says taken in Texas
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