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Everything posted by fuse=--action

  1. unlike the rest of the threads on 12oz, asking for help here won't get you torn apart. we're nice like that. here are a few that i found real quick from google doing a "photo basics" search: one Two Three Four Five SixSixSix Seven Any of the major manufactures have tutorials and how-tos on their sites... kodak, fuji, canon, nikon... just look around. Quoted post [/b] Also, if you know of any photography/camera shops in your area, they usually have a ton of books on all sorts of thing. Compostions, filter usage, lighting, equipment, film types, etc... I've never run into a problem just sitting down and reading a little bit of the book there as long as I purchase some film or a filter or something while I'm at the shop near me. -fuse.
  2. Sweet, I didn't know I ever got quoted in here. -fuse.
  3. I REALLY like the bottom right one Philth. REALLY. -fuse.
  4. And damn rage. You have enough polaroids to stash them at your favorite spots like some sort of spy. Too bad polaroid cameras aren't very stashable. but nice collection. -fuse.
  5. I really like this one, not because I have the fever. But because there is a lot of direction to the second frame. I look directly at her face first then I notice that there is someone behind her. It happens for me sort of like a movie shot. One where someone is talking and you see someone enter through a door behind them. Pretty dope is what I guess I'm trying to say. -fuse.
  6. Yeah, this happened to me with my entire first photography project. So I had to go REshoot everything that i had done. Thankfully it was all pictures of stationary objects and the lighting conditions were almost the same. Good thing it didn't happen later though, because my best pic was of a building that they have since knocked over. -fuse.
  7. ^^is size an issue? I mean do you wany it to be compact so that you can carry it pretty much anywhere with you? Your basic compact point and shoot type camera Or are you looking for something that's a little larger and more professional grade as far as lens and optical zoom and manual focusing and such are concerned? -fuse.
  8. It's from the interior of the one starbucks on Canal St. I'm there on the regular, trying to draw, and taking pictures. Quoted post [/b] The one in Canal Place? Damn I miss that place. -fuse.
  9. ^^and the belt buckle i see. It's out of focus in your last* gray sweatshirt shot. I'm fortunate enough to have a macrophotography lens, it came with my camera because I bought it on eBay. Amazing how cheap great things can be on there. But seriously, I need some way to develop my rolls, and I would really prefer to do it myself. It just seems right. -fuse. *edit
  10. ^^macrophotography lens on the zipper shots? Nicely done anywho. And JJC is that Canal St. from NOLA? -fuse.
  11. Anyone know of a lab/darkroom that I could use in the Houston area? Or at least a way for me to find out if such a facility exists in my area? I have everything but an enlarger and chemicals. So essential everything but the REALLY important parts. -fuse.
  12. I recently went to a whole gallery full of stuff like this. The photographer was obsessed with this division of sky and sea/land. I more liked his early work which looked like these really smooth gradients over entire expanses of about 30 inches. The gradients almost looked computer generated. -fuse.
  13. I know it's a repeat, but it's the same bitch. Are there any other ones of this ho? Apparently she likes to show off her tits.
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