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Everything posted by fuse=--action

  1. There's a hindu temple around my area. Anyone know if it would proper or not to shoot there? I definitely don't want to offend anyone there. -fuse.
  2. ^^ Correct me if I'm wrong, but have you done that one before? Because if so, I like the seasonal change. I mean remember seeing something similar except with more green. -fuse.
  3. fuse=--action


    Getting up sucked. I got mad that i downloaded that shit so I KNOW niggas that bought it are mad. you should look at games made with the quake 3 engine. RTCW, etc they should run good on your setup. Quoted post thats one game i never actually looked in to for one reason or another.. i might have to go about doing that havent played a FPS since CoD i think.. i also gotta get a combat flight sim, haha i saw a show about dogfighting and had to dig out the old joystick (no homo) but the only game i have is an old ass one Quoted post I had a bunch of addons for MS Flight Simulator 2004, but they got deleted when my shit crashed a while ago. I still play that a good amount. Right now Oblivion is my main shit, and I play WoW some. And I still get down in UT2004. Come fuck wit me in that someone, I've been playin UT since 99. Quoted post .Now this is where its at, ive been a MSFS geek for years now. SpyD you check out any of those screenshots for MSFS X yet ? hot hot shit. Quoted post [/b] There are so many acronyms in here, it's ridiculous. Also, I used to be addicted to flight simulators. -fuse.
  4. fuse=--action


    check torrentspy.com for a torrent. It's only like 17MB Quoted post [/b] To burn for DC or is there a comp. version? -fuse.
  5. fuse=--action


    I didn't know that they have it for DC. I have one, I'll have to scrounge up a copy. -fuse.
  6. fuse=--action


    This game was a ton of fun. I need to get a gamecube so I can play it. -fuse.
  7. fuse=--action


    HELL FUCKIN' YEAH. -fuse.
  8. fuse=--action


    Also, I've never played ICO, is it any good? -fuse.
  9. fuse=--action


    Thanks Weapon X for reminding me of this game. I was in shock and fucking awe every minute that I spent with that game -fuse.
  10. fuse=--action


    How is Kingdom Hearts? I've always wanted to try it. The new one has Tron and Nightmare Before Christmas and a whole bunch of other type stuff in there. Does it all make sense? Quoted post [/b] Kingdom Hearts was tight, it does all makes sense. I didn't like that there weren't crazy amounts of weapons to buy like in the FF series, but it's tight. You get to fight Sephiroth, which is tight. -fuse.
  11. fuse=--action


    I already found my inner nerd in the math question thread. BUT VIDEO GAMES There are so many that I love, but here are a few: Anything involving this guy: -fuse.
  12. fuse=--action


    Tis true about the ps3 thing. There are advantages to being around longer. Here are a few: More games How many people do you think are going to buy a $400 system and then turn around and buy another $400 system in a few months time? And probably the fact that XBOX has a lot of contracts with game developers due to the fact that it was the first next-gen system to be released. But from what I hear, the PS3 will have support for multiple 1080i displays. Shit is hot fire. -fuse.
  13. fuse=--action


    Which brings to mind, anybody cop'd that new sport bike game yet? -fuse.
  14. fuse=--action


    what about NFL Blitz? Quoted post [/b] I played it for dreamcast for a while, then got tired of it. I'm just not good at sports games really. NBA Jam is an ENTIRELY different story though. -fuse. Also, racing games don't count as sport games. I'm incredibly addicted to Turismo.
  15. fuse=--action


    It (We <3 Katamari) has the same addictive properties though. And unfortunately, my PS2 broke like a little bitch, so I haven't gotten the chance to play in a long while. -fuse.
  16. fuse=--action


    The guitars have whammy bars. -fuse.
  17. fuse=--action


    The other one is We <3 Katamari. It has a better two player mode, different mission types, and more characters. -fuse. By different missions, I mean that there are all sorts of things that you are supposed to do, not just roll a katamari of x diameter.
  18. fuse=--action


    I have both Katamari games. AMAZING Also, Gitaroo Man is a good game. Rather hard to find though. My friend is about to buy Guitar Hero. We got the weird asian shit on loc. -fuse.
  19. fuse=--action


    WHAT DOES ABHOR MEAN? Quoted post [/b] Hate, loathe, dislike to a great extent, dispise. -fuse.
  20. fuse=--action


    I absolutely abhor sports games. -fuse.
  21. From what I can tell, it's pretty much what you know about them from the OZ. On that note, I was not aware that porkchop is asian. -fuse.
  22. Where can I find these things? -fuse.
  23. I'm fashioning a blackout bag out of a sweatshirt that I will double line with vinyl. Sound solid? -fuse.
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