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Everything posted by Wire

  1. That's a retarded gimmick for a porn site. It's "Sausage Pizza" or some such shit.
  2. Maybe I'm just not up to you guys' calibur of retardation, but I've never had this problem of "They all look the same to me." I can glance at you and then pick you out of a crowd of relatives from 100 feet away. Maybe it's because I'm a kleptomaniac and get things by having fast hands and even faster eyes. BTW, the Nazi thing was very.... off-topic and boring. I can't believe I read that entire pathetic attempt at satirody (satire/parody for the uninitiated).
  3. HOORAY! Hold on a second and I'll get my hood and giant cross to burn.
  4. I REMEMBER SPLATTERHOUSE! I played Splatterhouse 3 for the sega genesis like a mofo. Ahhhh.... good times.
  5. Wire


    Where's the option for "I fucking hate MySpace"?
  6. Last year I was Alex Delarge, and this year I'm goin' as Ajax from The Warriors. I even went to a thrift store and found a cheap ass red leather vest and drew the Flamin' Cobra thing on the back (I didn't have time to embroider it, gimme a break).
  7. It takes a certain kind of humor to understand the full impact of Jack Thompson's humiliation. Number one: He's a dickhead who has only his personal gain at heart, so the mere thought of him donating any amount of money to any worthwhile charity is hilarious. Number two: The very people he despises have made a big-ass donation in his name. Number three: EVERYONE in the gaming world knows that pompous prick didn't make the donation. It's a complicated and expensively silly way to say: YOU FUCKING LOSE, YOU STUPID, STUPID HICK! I FART IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION! YOUR MOTHER WAS A HAMSTER, AND YOUR FATHER SMELT OF ELDERBERRIES!
  8. There's no such thing as better. Get whichever one is more comfortable for YOU to use.
  9. I'm a full-on 'vore, but I find this thread really fascinating. I didn't know your body could be conditioned after a number of years to be intolerant of meat. I thought we were pretty much hard-wired to devour our fleshy delicious animal friends. This is a little off-topic, but I felt compelled to ask. Isn't it really expensive to be a vegetarian and still be healthy? I've had friends (idiots) who tried the vegetarian thing because they're easily influenced tools who wanted to be trendy, and one ended up in the hospital for malnutrition. You have to eat a ton of different rabbit food, don't you? Like beans, squash, carrots, rice, bread, pasta, broccoli, nuts, some kinda legume and some other stuff EVERY DAY to keep your caloric intake up and all that jazz?
  10. Wire

    Movie Quotes

    "We're on a mission frem Gad."
  11. Wire

    im a toy

    For right now, concentrate on crisp, smooth letters, and not so much the background and bits. Good work so far, though.
  12. Jesus. You didn't happen to eat a bunch of shoelaces did you? Or dental floss? I recommend going to a doctor. Or shoving a bleach douche up your butt. Whichever hurts less.
  13. Kelly Clarkson makes me want to shove broken glass into the skulls of newborns. Nickelback has a similar effect, except with nails and Nickelback.
  14. Both the choice of "Closer" as the music and those cheesy stupid sound effects were decisions made in bad taste.
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