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Everything posted by Flavicon

  1. "The whole idea of promoting gang-related crime makes my skin crawl, most graffiti is gang related and has some connection to gangs. You see it everywhere and in the part of the country where I am, SW New Mexico it is all over the place and on RR cars. I was shocked to see WM have this products on the shelves and it appears to me the idea is to appeal to the younger generation with graffiti as an art form, it's totally beyond me why they do it. The posting about the use of chemical cars is scary indeed as people that tag RR cars most likely can't read the warnings or ignore them. How about liquid nitrogen for starters, it will instantly freeze whatever extremity it gets on, and then that part will shatter. The Hazmat warnings are on the cars but it is oblivious to marketing for WM that safety be an issue." John Staehle p.s. has anyone here written to WM ? I'm about to! Bwahahahah :haha:
  2. Flavicon


    I do it for the cash.
  3. Re: Tell me this nigga aint a cop!!!!
  4. Before you do anythihg you should probably shave that crap off your face.
  5. Flavicon

    the office

    I've only seen one episode of the UK version. I didn't laugh once. Maybe I'll give it another try. but for now, US version gets my vote.
  6. who even uses tapes anymore?
  7. His lyrics are meant for the 14 year old boy demographic, but his beats are definetily hot. I don't think i'd go see him live though, even for free. I wonder if uncle Howie is still alive.
  8. Work Party Jumbo Shrimp Pretty Ugly Ill Health Legal Graffiti
  9. Police brutality http://youtube.com/watch?v=oaHyuWgir8U
  10. huge props for coming back with a flick. What kinda paint is that? looks like tempra
  11. "you did not specify where the graffiti was. It could have been in an alley, where it belongs " :haha:
  12. " Real taggers don't hit the fronts of buildings, they hit the backs and the alleys, where it doesn't matter or affect the image of the buidling." oh really?
  13. http://static.flickr.com/84/237503609_653c697d04_b.jpg recent photo^
  14. I stayed in LA for a while and i hated it, so i can't recomend anything. haha. Have fun though man.
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