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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Mauler5150


    Yeah the one where you can only go Lui Kang or the otehr guy, I forget as I am drunk atm. But hell the new one sounds good, but is it one on one again, or still like the wandering platform style?
  2. Mauler5150


    Sorry for the misunderstanding. I thought when he was first introduced he was the best new character (MK3 or am I wrong? It has been a while) Is this new MK like the last one? I wasn't a big fan of the option of only 2 characters in the last one.
  3. Mauler5150


    Oh c'mon, when Kabal was introduced he was like the most kickass character there was. Can anyone here give me a guide to using ROM's of those old games on your PC? I really want to play some Double Dragon atm.
  4. You think you could survive without the Oz for that long?
  5. Yeah I thought that tease would be on that list.
  6. Umm, my opinion is to "Ruunnnn tooo the hilllllllls, run for yourrrrr liiiiiiiiiffffffeeee!" I saw a friend of mine that did this. Funny thing was that later on I met the father and became mates with him too, and I was on both sides, depending on the company, and hearing them both saying how they wanted to kill each other. A shit situation. But anyways, just imagine if you were the father as had been said previously. Now I have tapped a few people's wives in my time (or soon to be ex wives) but if I knocked someone up then I would wanna kill any asshole who was tapping her, and I probably would.
  7. "Aaaaahhhh....titmouse" "Did you just say titmouse? Who calls it a titmouse?" "Ah thats what there called, heaps of people call them that" "Larry, you are obsessed with tits! Talking to children about tits..." "What? I'm not obsessed with tits!" "Putting your hands on tits.." I could go on and on....
  8. Damn this shit is fucked up. They should sterilise people lie this at birth to stop them breeding.
  9. "Only a cunt wouldn't have played that hand!" "You cunt, what a cunt!"
  10. "You my nigga" "You are my caucasian" Ol' Krazzee eye Killa, that is a classic episode. And am I the only one who thinks that Cheryl appears to be getting better looking as the show goes on (might be the lightening of her hair?)?
  11. And that is a great episode, but definitely all episodes pale in comparison to 'The Car pool lane'. "I'll take the schwag" Oh, and who can forget "Beloved CUNT!!!!"
  12. A funny bit of trivia is that the muslim woman you were referring to is actually played by Frank Zappa's daughter Moon Unit Zappa. Just a useless piece of trivia for you.
  13. Great show. You must have loved Larry and his racist dog. Isn't it funny how racism has worked it's way into every season?
  14. Well talk to me about sucking. I am currently doing an assignment that is already 2 days overdue. I asked the stupid feminist bitch if I could hand it in tomorrow last week and she was all bitchy about it so I am anyway. Plus after 2 armed robberys at work in the past 2 weeks I am pretty sure I won't lose any marks if she trys to mark me down, which is the beauty of the appeal system.
  15. That is just great. I love teh whole "The Mission Insertable butt plug is offensive not only on its face but also in its subversion of an orifice that Scientologists believe is next to godliness." I haven't laughed this hard in a while.
  16. Fuck I use one of those electric trimmers, but hell every time i have used it i always end up with a fucken painful ingrown hair in my nose that makes my nose swell up all red and shit. Had the same result when i used tweezers too, so fuck knows what the solution is.
  17. But isn't it a shame that 'rap' as a genre has seen no progression/development since the 80s? It is getting old and stale, and can I ask is Down by Law an old emo band?
  18. I think I'll have to pour you a shot of some fine tequila when I eventually get sent there myself for similar atrocities as to what you admit to.
  19. The funny thing is I bet those cool new people probably listen to screamo.
  20. On another forum I got into an arguement about what 'indie' music is. All I was given was alot of very crappy definitions. MY genre would be called 'Heavy music to listen to while analy raping someones mother' or something along the lines of that.
  21. Re: it's my birthday: i demand human sacrifice Whoa where the fuck did that pic come from horse cock?
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